Last week I posted my new back covers, all except the back cover of For Nick, because it wasn't finished yet. Well, now it is!
I think it's my favorite!
Here's the new front cover:
As far as my new book covers go, FOUR DOWN, THREE TO GO!
I changed my book covers to MATTE, and what a difference. I love them!
I have a shelf to display my books. I keep my old covers and my new covers on it.
AND I've started my newest book!!
Working title: GIRL OF MINE.
I'm only 10K words in so far, but I am SO HAPPY to be back in writing mode.
Marketing, designing, editing, advertising, and blogging are all part of the job.
But now I'm doing what I LOVE the most: the actual WRITING and creating.
It has reminded me why I'm doing all of this in the first place.
Back to work for me!
Have a great Monday, everyone!