I spent the week trying to recover from the flu.
My hubby had a business trip to Santa Fe and I had planned on going with him.
It's one of my favorite trips.
I knew I was too sick to go, but my hubby convinced me that the fresh mountain air would be good for me, so I pulled myself out of bed and packed.
On the way to the room in the hotel, I stumbled down the long hallway and thought I was going to pass out. But I made it, collapsed onto the bed, and basically didn't get up for two days. As a matter of fact, I never once even left the hotel room. My hubby bought me food and I attempted to eat, but that didn't go over too well.
During the day, I kept the window open. I had a beautiful view of Santa Fe with the mountains in the background. The fresh mountain air did indeed feel good.
In my mind, I romanticized the situation and told myself I was so sick that I was being spirited away into the mountains to recover. My daughter is a Victorian novel fan and she said it was like being sent away to the seaside to recover--doctor's orders.
BTW, I went to the doctor for a steroid shot. He didn't mention the need for fresh mountain air.
Bummer. Where are the doctors that prescribe such a thing? I need one. Better yet, wouldn't it be nice if insurance covered a "get well" trip?
At any rate, I had my dose of fresh mountain air, and it did do me a world of good. I am much better, but so weak.
First order of business this week--get my health back. I'm going to eat well and try to get a little exercise everyday.
Second, try to get my books selling again.
My book sales have NOT been good lately. Actually, sales haven't been good for a long time. My books just haven't taken off like I hoped they would.
It really gets me down sometimes. It gets into my head and I feel like my books must NOT be good or else they would sell.
Even as those negative thoughts wander through my head, I busily type away at the computer on my next book--that also won't sell.
Sometimes I wonder why I'm putting so much time and effort into an endeavor that appears to be fruitless.
But I can't stop myself. I love writing.
And so I push forward. Giving up is not an option.
No more feeling sorry for myself.
On a lighter note, I read a really good book this week. It kept my mind off enduring the flu--and everything else.
Seriously good book. I promise, you won't be able to put it down! Give it a try!
Have a great week everyone!