Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Review of Lancaster House

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I promise! I'm just busy taking care of this cute little guy . . .

He's my one year old grandson. My daughter (his mother) is very, very morning sick with her second child. So, not only am I taking care of my grandson, I'm taking care of her too. This leaves very little time for much else! But, The Middle Aisle (the sequel to Lancaster House) is on it's way! I haven't dropped everything!

Meanwhile, I've received another wonderful review of Lancaster House from Andrea of A Chick Who Reads! Here it is:

Review: Can I just say WOW!

I was totally enamored of Taylor's Sierra, when I read it awhile back, but Lancaster House is even better.

Taylor weaves a story that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

Zoe is an interior decorator who wants to restore Lancaster House and resell it, but once she starts working on it, strange things start to happen. Strange things that make her question her sanity, and then she meets Andre.

Andre is a new twist on a paranormal creature, part vampire and part ghost. There's a lot more to him then meets the eye.

The two fall in love as they restore his old home. Yes, Andre is Andre Lancaster the man who built Lancaster House.

Sound exciting?

Well it gets better, this story is told by Zoe as she's recounting it to a psychiatrist after a suicide attempt.


This is really a gripping read and one I recommend highly! Taylor Dean is on my list of must read authors now.

Rating: 5 flowers

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