Friday, August 9, 2013


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)


  1. So true!! Not knowing everything is what keeps me reading. Then, the question becomes: will I be disappointed, shocked, surprised, happy, mad, etc.?

    1. Good point, Melanie. Unless the reveal is satisfying, all the suspense in the world won't make the reader enjoy the book. But, I love when the plot makes me turn the pages with anticipation!

    2. The reveal can make me mad but I can still enjoy the book. Weird, huh? The Hunger Games is my best example of this. I was so mad at the end of the third book that I started writing all my feelings down. I came to terms with all of it and boosted my stars since it was a book that got me thinking. So, for me, I don't have to be 100% satisfied to think a book is great--maybe because life is like that, too.

    3. Don't get me started! I hated the third book of The Hunger Games. My daughter said she finished the book, and got in the shower and cried because she felt broken! I wanted a happy ending, and it wasn't happy to me and I was so disappointed. BUT, I still loved reading it. Absolutely! They are some of my favorite books. They just didn't go the way I wanted them to!

  2. Telling it like it is! Even if I have a good idea what's coming, I'm not always right and the fun is in getting there.

    1. I agree, Laura. Even if I can predict the outcome, I enjoy reading the book to see if I was right or not. I love when I'm not right, when a book surprises me.

  3. Replies
    1. Me too, Charissa. Great advice from a great writer. I would love to have a conversation with him and pick his brain. Except I might find some pretty creepy things!!

  4. That is so true! My daughter is reading the 3rd Mortal Instruments book, and she's like I figured it out in the first 50 pages! Not fun lol!

    1. It's always nice to read a book wherein you did not guess the reveal!! So satisfying! Something for me to keep in mind as I write my next book . . .

  5. BUT don't forget the happy ever after. I think that's required in Romance. LOL I think you do very well with those surprise endings. the middle aisle immediately comes to mind. That ending left me speechless. The best ending I have ever read in a Romance novel. And sierra has a nice little twist, too. I wouldn't mind having a little more of that. LOL I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. I've learned my lesson--readers want a twist and they want happily ever after! My next book has a huge twist in it! I'm only 26,000 words in right now, and I plan to tweak this book till the twist is not obvious. We'll see how it goes. It's a personal story that I feel driven to commit to paper, but I don't want to leave out the twist either.
      Glad you liked the twist in The Middle Aisle. I actually didn't come up with that idea till halfway through the book. Then I had to go back and make it work without it being obvious. Best thing I ever did for that book.
      Thanks, Sherry. Hope you have a great weekend too!

  6. I'm eager to see what you come up with next. ^_^
