Friday, September 27, 2013


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)


  1. That is so true. Which is why we need to live in your books :)

    1. Good one Christy. I am with you all the way. Have a great weekend.

    2. I don't know if I'd want to go through everything I put my characters through--but I do want their happy endings and their amazing love stories! I like writing about characters who are so much stronger than me--and handle situations with so much strength. I often wonder how I would react in some of the situations I've put my characters in, and it wouldn't be pretty! Knowing that the love of your life is waiting in the wings is helpful, though!!!!!

    3. Thank you Christy, and thank you, Sherry! You both always bring a smile to my face!

  2. I love reading, probably because my life seems so calm and happy after reading of the turmoil fictional characters are put through. Whew!

    1. It's so true, Charissa! If I went through what my characters have gone through, I'd be a huge puddle on the floor, crying, and maybe even sucking my thumb! Highly entertaining to read about though. Perhaps that's the point, we put ourselves in the character's situation and wonder what we would do. It makes us think and ponder--and, just like you said, it makes our own lives seem pretty darn wonderful. Thanks for your comment!

  3. How true! The solution for me is - READ MORE!

    1. Ha! Agreed! Love to bury myself in books and other people's lives and adventures. The solution is to just never resurface! Love it, Laura!

  4. Yep. Just finished The Vampire Hunters Daughter Series and reading Phoenix by A.J. Scudiere now. Beautiful weather this weekend for reading outside! Have a great one!
