Friday, November 8, 2013


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)


  1. I have read more than one review, where someone says the plot is unbelievable. Well, it is fiction. I have watched many crime, mystery........TV shows. I have read many crime, mystery........novels. I have watched a lot of news.....Truth is stranger than fiction is so appropriate. Who would believe a mother would drive her car into the water with her kids in it, then go on TV, lying and pretending she's innocent. Very thought provoking. I would expect nothing less from Tom Clancy. Thanks for sharing, Taylor and have a fantastic weekend.

    1. I've always felt that, above all, a book ought to be entertaining. So I don't understand the 'unbelievable' remark either. When 9-11 happened, everyone said, 'if this had been a Hollywood movie, we would have said it was ridiculous.' Strange things do happen in life, so why not in fiction? Thanks for your comment and hope you have a great weekend as well, Sherry!

  2. I was just saying the same thing as Sherry to my mother. It's fiction! Let go of yourself and enjoy the ride!
    Have a wonderful weekend Taylor and Hi Sis!

    1. Good advice, Laura. I love it. Let go of yourself and enjoy the ride. Isn't that why we read--to relax, to be entertained, and to enter another person's world. If we aren't doing those things, we're missing the whole point! Enjoy your weekend too! (And I love that you and Sherry are such close sisters!)
