Monday, November 25, 2013


As I write this, it is Sunday afternoon. We are having a snow day today, even church was cancelled--which is a good thing since I'm a total wimp about driving in the snow!

I grew up in San Jose, California, (which is why some of my books take place in San Jose). Weather was not something I ever worried about. Not once.
Earthquakes, yes! Weather, no!
Believe it or not, after living in a place that snows, I'll take the worry of random minor earthquakes over driving in snow.
I've already announced to my hubby that I want to retire to someplace sunny!

This weekend my hubby and I spent our time replacing our old gold hinges and knobs (the eighties called and wanted them back!) with new knobs and hinges. 

The next thing to go will be the rose counter-tops!

Here's an interesting tidbit for you:
To refresh and repair my wood cabinetry I used the following mixture. (I found this on Facebook and it WORKS!)

3/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup vinegar
Mix together. Use a rag to rub mixture on cabinetry. Let soak in, then wipe off. 
Don't lean against the cabinets while the mixture is on them, otherwise you will get oil stains on your clothing!

I was amazed at how well this worked. 

Here's a before and after:

before: notice the damage on the corner

after: damage gone, just like that!

I also spent time replacing my old contact paper in the kitchen. I'm on a spring cleaning binge lately!

That was my weekend! I loved it because I LOVE doing home improvement!

How was your weekend?


  1. Definitely looks better with the new knobs and hinges. Isn't it funny how such a little thing makes all the difference?!
    I'm going to try thr rub on my bathroom mirror frame. It's worn from opening it a kazillion times.

    I've been on a cleaning binge too. Had to so I could put up Christmas decorations.

    1. The black knobs and hinges do make a huge difference, don't they? I love them! Even better, now my cabinet doors open and close properly.
      Hope the wood repair mixture works as well for you as it did for me. I was very surprised with how well it worked.
      My cleaning binge is on hold for a week as we celebrate Thanksgiving, and I have my daughter and grandson in town. But I'll start back up again next week. I'm on a roll!
      Thanks for your comment, Laura!

  2. Looks fantastic Taylor. I'll be trying that too. I like to get my spring cleaning done during the winter holidays. That way, when spring comes, I'm outdoors. Hope you have a good holidays, oh, I don't miss the snow!

    1. I think I'll do my spring cleaning in the winter from now on too. Might as well get it done when I'm stuck indoors. Good plan, Sherry! I never feel like cleaning out in the Spring when the outdoors is calling to me! Why didn't I think of this concept before?
      As for snow, the only time it's good is when you're stuck in a snowbound cabin with Alex!

  3. I wouldn't mind that, especially that cabin. It looks so quiet and peaceful. Run outside for a snowball fight and come back in for a warm drink in front of the fire and let nature take it's course. ^_^

    1. The best part of Sierra is imagining being in the snowbound cabin, for sure!
