Monday, January 13, 2014


Life is now back to normal. 
(I had children home for three weeks. Bear with me, Christmas vacation just barely ended around here!)
The house is clean, the sheets have been washed, the floors have been mopped, the bathrooms have been cleaned, the wash is all caught up, the bills have been paid, and all things Christmas have been put away until next year. 

Then why am I so sad?
After all, the house is quiet and my time is my own once again.

I miss my kids and my grandson, that's why!
Which is entirely silly. I couldn't survive if Christmas vacation lasted all year round. It's a lot of fun, but it's also a lot of hard work!
But, having my children home is such a rarity nowadays and I miss them.

This week, I had to say goodbye to my son as he went back to college. We had all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday together and we had so much FUN! We ate too much junk food, bummed around the Mall and Target and World Market, and laughed and laughed and laughed. No one makes me laugh the way my son does. 

He's a Chemistry major at college. Obviously he didn't inherit my inability to comprehend math.

So, back to work for me it is. I haven't looked at my newest book, I'm With You, for nearly a month now. 
But, this is a good thing. I needed a break from it. Now I can look at it with fresh eyes and see mistakes that I wouldn't have seen when I was so totally absorbed in the writing process.

Also, my early readers promised they'd send me their feedback by Jan. 13th. I'm just about ready for the final round of edits and final read through before sending the manuscript off to my editor. I still have my work cut out for me!

So, no more sadness. My time with my children and grandson was wonderful. Time to cherish the memories and move forward.

Here's a little something to make you smile on a Monday morning:

(My daughter blew my grandson a kiss and for some reason, it tickled his funny bone. My hubby grabbed his camera and we all sat silently so we didn't distract the baby. It's the first time we've heard him giggle like this! Enjoy!)

How about you? Are you relieved the Christmas rush is over? Or are you like me and still missing it?

Until next year, Christmas vaycay. Looking forward to it already!


  1. How fun that you got to spend so much time with your son. I had a busy weekend with tons of family here for my daughter's mission farewell. She goes into the MTC in 2 days. I've been a little weepy and haven't been able to do any writing. I'll get it together soon, but it's hard knowing she leaves so soon. I already miss her and she's still here.

    1. Charissa, my heart is with you. It's so hard to say goodbye to your children. Is this the one that's going to Korea? My nephew went on his mission to Korea and we lived there for about a year and a half while my hubby was in the Army. It really is a wonderful place and she will love it! Hang in there! I feel your pain!

  2. It always seems like a bit of a let down after all the company is gone and the decorations are put away. I'm now doing my spring cleaning. Yuck!
    Very handsome son you have Taylor. And I giggled right along with your grandbaby. He is precious and must bring such joy:)

    1. Thanks, Laura. I think he's pretty cute too!
      I've been on a spring cleaning whirlwind for a while now, but it was put on hold during the holidays. I've picked up right where I left off and now I have several bags of giveaway stuff. I need to get back to edits of I'm With You soon, so it'll be put on hold again for a bit.
      Yes, January is always a bit of a letdown, especially when the holidays were wonderful!
      Thanks for your comment!

  3. I am looking at the last of my Xmas stuff to be put away. Have been taking some photos as I packed and am always reluctant to tuck things back into the attic. But, back to spring cleaning. Nice looking family and you know they will be back. ^_^

    1. A good reminder, Sherry! They will be back! Maybe next year I'll be able to have all four children and all the grandchildren together!
      I love your photography. You are very talented.
      I'm back to spring cleaning too. Stayed up till 4 a.m. last night, cleaning out my closet. Amazing how much junk fits into one closet! The results are worth all the effort though!
      Have a great week and thanks so much for always stopping by my blog!
