Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Rita

To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [taoty] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "I can't help falling in love with you!"

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, April 28, 2014

MONDAY MUSINGS--Book Blast for I'm With You AND Cover Reveal for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle

Not much time for writing this week as I'm babysitting my grandson ALL week!
I'm in heaven--even though I'm sleep deprived and pretty much can't do anything else except take care of him. How did I raise four children and manage to get dressed every day? 
Don't know how I did it!

At any rate, book news for this week is:

If you are interested in signing up for the Book Blast for I'M WITH YOU during the week of May 6-12th, just go here.

If you are interested in participating in the COVER REVEAL for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle on May 15th, (you can post anytime between May 15th-31st) you can sign up on the same I'm With You sign-up form above or just click  here.
Please note: The sign-up for the cover reveal is listed at the bottom of the form.

Thanks for your participation!

Say goodbye to my old covers!

If you were designing new covers for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle, how would YOU want them to look?

Friday, April 25, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

I LOVE this image. When it comes to the highs and lows that accompany publishing my books, my hubby always says this is ME!

He's right!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Jana

To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [cuteimage] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "Make time for LOVE!"

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, April 21, 2014


I've enjoyed "release week" for I'm With You.

The reviews so far have been amazing. I wasn't expecting my emotional response to the reviews. This book includes such a personal story, and the heartfelt reviews have made me burst into tears. Every. Time.
I forward the reviews to my daughter, whose Trisomy 18 story is in this book. They make her cry too. It's been an emotional experience to say the least.

Here are a few quotes from reviews and/or personal messages:

I just wanted to say that I read I'm With You and finished it this morning at around 1am. I could not put the book down, it was beautiful and very heartfelt. The book made me feel about every emotion I could feel, it was just really beautiful. I love Jack (added to my list of book boyfriends), he is awesome.

"I love Taylor Dean’s books, but this one touched a deep chord in me. I finished reading it early this morning and then started over to just soak in the feelings and words of wisdom."

Dean has now become one of my favorite authors. She has managed, yet again, to write a book that will resonate with me long after I finish. A book I will recommend over and over again. Dean took a personal and very difficult situation and turned it into a story both therapeutic for herself, but also helpful to so many others out there who have suffered the same loss. She did a brilliant job and I rate this book 5 stars! Well done, Dean, so well done!

I really love your books, and this one is no different! I always felt For Nick was my favorite, but this might be a tie.

This book was based on Taylor Dean’s grandchild who was born with Trisomy 18. I had never heard of this before, so this part of the story was all new to me. The story itself is so amazing that these characters became close friends of mine.

I just wanted to let you know that I literally just finished reading I'm With You, and I am absolutely floored and speechless. An amazing book as well as heartfelt, I cried and felt my heart break with Chloe. It's amazing how these tragic moments in our lives shape our futures, and this wonderful grandson of yours gave you the strength, courage and words to let others know about grief as well as Trisomy 18. 

Taylor Dean creates a beautiful story of loss, grief, and love; I think it makes the story much more real knowing that it is based off her daughter's experience with the death of a child. I can not even imagine what that must have been like.

Thank you so much to each of you for your kind and thoughtful reviews and messages.

In the meantime, I took a break from writing this week and updated the master bath. Since the master bedroom is hunter green and chocolate brown, we decided to make the master bath match!
Here are a few before and after pictures:


(Ignore the white lamps. They were only in there temporarily, until we replaced the main light fixture.)






(My hubby added a dimmer switch to the lighting and it's amazing!)

So, that's how I spent "release week." 
It was nice to have something else to do besides sit at my computer and anxiously await reviews! 

How was your week?

Friday, April 18, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

This just cracks me up!

My office doesn't look like this, but if you could see inside my mind, it might look like this!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Mary

To view, go here.

And the week before that, the winner was: Shelley

To view, go here.


Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [cuteimage] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "We go together."

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I'M WITH YOU is now available!
In celebration of its release, it will be just 99 pennies for one week!

For Amazon Kindle, go here.

For paperback on Amazon, go here.
Don't forget to enter the Goodreads giveaway for a signed paperback!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

I'm With You by Taylor Dean

I'm With You

by Taylor Dean

Giveaway ends April 30, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Monday, April 14, 2014


I'M WITH YOU will be released tomorrow, Tuesday April 15th!!!!

I received an amazing message from an ARC reviewer:
(this is the first message I've received about the book, besides beta readers)

I just wanted to let you know that I literally just finished reading I'm With You, and I am absolutely floored and speechless. An amazing book as well as heartfelt, I cried and felt my heart break with Chloe. It's amazing how these tragic moments in our lives shape our futures, and this wonderful grandson of yours gave you the strength, courage and words to let others know about grief as well as Trisomy 18. I just wanted to drop a little line to let you know that since the beginning of your posts, I've been wanting to read about this journey of love and grief, and would like you to know how amazing your book turned out.

She made me cry after reading her kind words.

Always, before the release of a book, I wonder if anyone will like it.
I wonder if the book is silly, boring, too slow, cheesy, horrible, cringe-worthy, offensive, too effusive, etc, etc.

You get the idea.

All of my fears come crashing to the forefront and I'm suddenly as insecure as a kindergartner on the first day of school.
Seriously, it's as if I suddenly have no confidence whatsoever.
So pathetic.

It's a mighty scary thing to release your "baby" to the public.

However, the above message made my heart sing.
It was just what I needed to hear.
Especially for this book, that is so very personal to me.

I hope you enjoy the journey that is I'M WITH YOU.

There is a song that brought great comfort to me when we lost our Trisomy 18 baby. It's by Craig Cardiff and it's called Smallest and Wingless. I've posted it before, but if you haven't seen it, be prepared, it's a tearjerker. It brings back the memory of just how precious our little Jerad was to each of us. While a heartbreaking experience, it was also a precious experience.


I found an interesting article the other day, written by a grieving mother.
In her short article she says exactly what I tried to express in
It took me 94,000 words. 
It took her a few short paragraphs.
To read the article, go here.

I know this is a painful subject. But, if it helps someone deal with their own loss, or helps someone deal with a friend or family member who has lost, then it will be worth every ounce of energy it took to write this novel.

Most of all, it helped me deal with our loss.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Review copies of I'm With You are now available in a .mobi file for Kindle.

If you are interested in reading and reviewing I'm With You, please email me at

All I ask in return is for a fair and honest review posted on Goodreads and Amazon within one month.

Please include the following with your review:

I was given this book for free from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
(Otherwise Amazon may delete it.)

Thank you for your interest!

I write clean romance, so if this isn't a genre you enjoy, please don't ask to review it! (I'd be setting myself up for bad reviews and I don't want to do that!)

I'm With You will be released on April 15th and the ebook will be available for .99 cents for one week.

Can three little words irrevocably change your life?

When the doctors inform Chloe Brennan that her pregnancy is “incompatible with life,” her subsequent choices will change her path forever.

She becomes one of the quiet, unsung heroes of this world, incredibly strong, yet somehow wrongly looked upon as damaged.

Three people will pierce Chloe’s existence: her husband, a stranger, and a precious baby.

One will say goodbye, one will say hello, and one will say both at the same time.

I’m With You is a novel about selfless love and the sacredness of life.

Please note: While this book is a romance novel, it also deals with the sensitive issue of baby loss grief. 
The emotions are real, and sometimes dark. 
If you are sensitive to this issue, this may not be the book for you.


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: TBA. (Winner has not yet responded. I'll give her one more day to respond and then I'll pick a new winner and announce it next week.)

To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [atibodyphoto] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "Stop in the name of LOVE."

My favorite answer wins a Kindle ebook of their choice from the Taylor Dean Books collection OR a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, April 7, 2014


This week I received a review on Amazon for I Have People.

It said:

I am so glad I tried out this new author (new author to me). She built a believable storyline with a suspenseful plot. I liked the book so much that I had to go and get another of her books just to see if she could keep the magic going. I am a very satisfied customer.

 Great review and it made me smile.

At the same time, it made me nervous.
So much pressure! 

Can I keep the magic going?

Image courtesy of [digitalart] /

I'm about to release my next book, I'm With You.
It's not necessarily a suspenseful book, although I did add a little suspense. After all, it's what readers expect from my books and I liked the slight mystery it added to the plot.
Some readers said they KNEW what was going to happen. Others said they were very worried it wasn't going to go the way they hoped. Others said they kept themselves from turning back to the prologue to check their facts.

Above all this book represents a forever reminder of my precious grandson, Jerad.
It was a book I felt a pressing need to write.
And now I feel as though my grandson will forever be remembered through the pages of this book.

Image courtesy of [Ohmega1982] /

That being said, I'm With You is, in the end, a romance novel. It just happens to include a Trisomy 18 story. It deals with baby loss grief, and this story-line propels the story forward.

So, can I keep the magic going?

Image courtesy of [nirots] /

I certainly hope so!

On another note, I've been super busy lately . . . 

I'm With You is currently being formatted for ebook.
Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle are about to receive new covers. After each received a light edit, they have now been sent off to the ebook formatter as well.
Sierra just went through an intense edit and is now with my editor, just to be sure it is a grammatically clean read. 
(The story hasn't changed at all.)

And suddenly I felt as though I didn't have anything to do. Everything was done and I'm now playing a waiting game.

And then . . . it came to me.

A new idea for my next book.

I can hardly wait to start writing it, as a matter of fact I'm about to burst if I don't get it on paper.

Maybe the magic isn't over yet.

Image courtesy of [Danilo Rizzuti] /

Have a great Monday everyone!

Friday, April 4, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

Give yourself permission to relax this weekend. Take a deep breath and dive into a great book!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: lAURA!

To view, go here.

For last week's winner, my daughter played the part of 'impartial judge.' (Not the same daughter as the week before. I have three daughters!)

I sent her an email with the image and all of the answers.
Here's what she said:

I pick “NO MATTER HOW FAR”.  I was between that and another one, but based on first reaction that is the one that I liked the best.  Mostly b/c of the emotion from the faceless person, it gives off yearning and desperation. 

 So, here we go again!

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [luigi diamanti] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

I'll start: "We have chemistry!"

My favorite answer wins a Kindle ebook of their choice from the Taylor Dean Books collection OR a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.