Friday, August 30, 2013


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)


  1. Replies
    1. Such a bad habit, but so fun, and not one I want to break!!!

  2. Ha ha! I was awake all night, but not because I was plotting or anything like that. My daughter got her mission call yesterday and she's going to Seoul, Korea. I'm kind of overwhelmed by that.

    1. Congrats on your daughter's mission call! How wonderful! My nephew went to Korea and he loved it! I lived in Taegu, Korea on Camp Walker for almost 2 years when my hubby was stationed there. My kids were little and I only left the army base around three times, but I loved my time there. I'm sure she'll love it!

  3. I'm the same way about reading!! I go to bed and tell myself, just a few chapters. I read until I can't stay awake and sometimes, if I finish the book, if I don't have the next one in my kindle, I get out of bed, turn on my computer and download it and start reading. Half of my workdays begin in a caffeine induced fog!
    Keep on writing your wonderful stories. You could never tell you were sleep deprived! LOL
    Have an awesome Labor Day weekend and have fun celebrating the end of summer!

    1. Thank you, Laura! I tend to write all day--and into the evening as well, most of the time staying up way too late! Then I stay up even later as I read before I fall asleep. But I enjoy it too much to want to change my ways! I hope you enjoy the long weekend as well!
