Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [nongpimmy] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

I'll start: This image reminds me that love is all around us, we just have to look for it, notice it, realize it. So, I call it, "Looking for Love."

To join Wordless Wednesday, go here.


  1. Replies
    1. Yay, Christy! Thanks so much for stopping by. I always love your answers!

  2. I can't top Christy's! Dang, I drew a blank:)

  3. I'm back. All I can come up with is "Love is like an umbrella!"

    1. You're too funny, Laura! Glad you came back. I like your answer--love does protect us and shelter us, just like an umbrella. Good thought.

  4. A lot like Christy's, Raining lots of love!! Hey Taylor. Hope all is going great for you. Waiting to hear about a new book you are working on, I hope.. lol :) Love all your Wordless Wed. pages.. :)

    1. Hi Linda! Love your answer!
      I'm 53,000 words in to my next novel, entitled, I'm With You. I plan to release it in Jan. 2014. Thanks for asking!
      But, my daughter just had a baby today, so I'll be otherwise engaged for the next little while!! Thanks for participating in WW!
