I've been holding off on advertising. Well, I've advertised to my family and friends, but not really to the general public as of yet. I felt that I should have both of the novels I just released completely ready to go before I advertised. I thought people would be disappointed if they came to my website and found that one of my books was available in paperback, but not in ebook as of yet. I figured they'd shrug and forget about me and never come back.
Then, as I studied the marketing strategies on smashwords, I discovered I was wrong.
One more thing among many.
Learn from my mistakes!
Smashwords exec, Mark Coker, says if you have already published, and are just now marketing . . . you are behind the power curve. Coker says you should build up pre-launch buzz about your book.
Now the challenge is before me. If I don't advertise, I won't sell a single copy of my books.
So, it's time to advertise. It's time to see if anyone likes my books. Is it scary? You bet. My husband says I'm a nutcase. He says I'm moaning one minute about no one buying my books. But, then when someone does purchase a book, all I do is lament, wondering if they'll LIKE my book or not. I can't win. This business of self-publishing is a bit nerve wracking.
Yesterday I published Sierra to smashwords and kindle. I had to peruse my manuscript about five times as I checked to make sure it was correct in all of the different formats. It was tedious work. But, through the process--as I got lost in my manuscript a few more times--I remembered why I was doing all of this. I LOVE my stories. They make me happy. I loved writing them and I love re-reading them.
In the end, that's all that really matters. And I can't lose sight of that.
But it sure would be nice to sell a few copies too!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Lancaster House is now an Ebook!
Lancaster House is now available as an Ebook, as well as in print at Amazon.
It is available at Amazon Kindle OR at Smashwords. (Smashwords makes your book available to almost every reading device)
Whether you prefer to hold a print book in your hands or to read it on your reading device, I hope you enjoy it!
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
It is available at Amazon Kindle OR at Smashwords. (Smashwords makes your book available to almost every reading device)
Whether you prefer to hold a print book in your hands or to read it on your reading device, I hope you enjoy it!
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I am now THAT person!
I am now THAT person. You know the one I'm talking about. The one who is always saying: Buy my book! Buy my book!
I'm pretty sure my friends and family are pretty tired of me right about now. All they hear from me is: Will you read my book? (thankfully, that's the part they enjoyed) Do you like my new cover idea or my old cover idea? Will you follow me on my blog? Will you leave a comment on my blog? Friend me on Facebook? Write a review on Amazon? Write a review on Goodreads? Write a review on Smashwords? Mention me to your friends? Hand out my (super-cute) business card? Will you buy my book? (even though they've already read it!) Will you be my friend on Goodreads? Will you rate my book on Goodreads?
You get the idea. The list goes on and on and on . . .
Thankfully, I have wonderful friends and family members who have supported me every step of the way. I fear they are tired of me. Yet, they respond to my requests with a smiling face, seemingly happy to help out an aspiring author desperately trying to jump start her career.
Thank goodness. I might be THAT person, but they still love me.
So, a special thank you to my friends and family. You know who you are!
You're the best!
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I'm pretty sure my friends and family are pretty tired of me right about now. All they hear from me is: Will you read my book? (thankfully, that's the part they enjoyed) Do you like my new cover idea or my old cover idea? Will you follow me on my blog? Will you leave a comment on my blog? Friend me on Facebook? Write a review on Amazon? Write a review on Goodreads? Write a review on Smashwords? Mention me to your friends? Hand out my (super-cute) business card? Will you buy my book? (even though they've already read it!) Will you be my friend on Goodreads? Will you rate my book on Goodreads?
You get the idea. The list goes on and on and on . . .
Thankfully, I have wonderful friends and family members who have supported me every step of the way. I fear they are tired of me. Yet, they respond to my requests with a smiling face, seemingly happy to help out an aspiring author desperately trying to jump start her career.
Thank goodness. I might be THAT person, but they still love me.
So, a special thank you to my friends and family. You know who you are!
You're the best!
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Thursday, June 21, 2012
SIERRA is now officially published and available! This is still the early stages, therefore it is currently only available at my create space estore. It will be available on Amazon and as an ebook very, very soon.
To read the story behind the book click here.
To read the story behind the book click here.
Two books?
A few people have asked me why I am publishing two books to begin with. It's a good question with a good answer!
I write romance in all of the many sub-genres: paranormal, contemporary, and suspense, to name a few. Lancaster House is a paranormal romance. Paranormal is big right now and I didn't want to be labeled as a paranormal writer, (although I will probably write more paranormal in the future).
Hence, the decision to release two books at the beginning. Both books will give you an idea of what I write. Sierra is romantic suspense. If you enjoy romance, then you'll enjoy both novels. If you enjoy romance, but don't want to read any explicit details, then you will also enjoy my books.
In other words, regardless of the sub-genre, I write ROMANCE. But, I love to delve into all of the many different sub-genres. For example, the next two books I plan to write will be quite different from each other. One will be contemporary and the other, futuristic. (yes, futuristic. This novel has been in my head for so many years, I HAVE to write it.) I still haven't decided which one I'm going to write first.
So, to kick off my writing career, I will have two books available. Hopefully, I have a little something for everyone to enjoy!
What is your favorite genre?
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I write romance in all of the many sub-genres: paranormal, contemporary, and suspense, to name a few. Lancaster House is a paranormal romance. Paranormal is big right now and I didn't want to be labeled as a paranormal writer, (although I will probably write more paranormal in the future).
Hence, the decision to release two books at the beginning. Both books will give you an idea of what I write. Sierra is romantic suspense. If you enjoy romance, then you'll enjoy both novels. If you enjoy romance, but don't want to read any explicit details, then you will also enjoy my books.
In other words, regardless of the sub-genre, I write ROMANCE. But, I love to delve into all of the many different sub-genres. For example, the next two books I plan to write will be quite different from each other. One will be contemporary and the other, futuristic. (yes, futuristic. This novel has been in my head for so many years, I HAVE to write it.) I still haven't decided which one I'm going to write first.
So, to kick off my writing career, I will have two books available. Hopefully, I have a little something for everyone to enjoy!
What is your favorite genre?
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Do YOU have your copy yet?
Lancaster House.
If you send me a picture of YOU with your copy of Lancaster House, I will post it here on my blog! Send to taylordeanbooks@gmail.com
Thanks and enjoy Zoe's adventure!
Believe it. Know it. Accept it.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Self-publishing is time consuming. Suddenly, simply writing the books is no longer my only job. I also have to edit, format, design book covers, write a copyright page, advertise—and peruse my books at least 100 times to be sure there are no mistakes!!
I’m sure it’s not really 100 times but it feels that way. I feel as if I almost have my books memorized at this point. But, it’s all part of the process. It was a lot harder than I imagined it would be. However, it’s all worth it in the end when you hold the finished product in your hand. I THOUGHT my books were done. I THOUGHT I was ready to publish each and every one of them. But each one is a process.
I have self-published through Create Space. (for print books) The process goes something like this: first you download the template for the trim size of your choice. Then you format your manuscript to the template. Next, you upload the manuscript to Create Space for review. If it passes review and doesn’t have any major problems, you can review it in their interior reviewer. If it looks good, then you submit it for a final review. Once this review process is done, you are ready to order a proof of your novel. Or you can proof it online with their digital proofer. I was really glad I ordered a physical proof. For example, the Sierra cover was much too light in color and needed to be darkened. I wouldn’t have known that if I hadn’t ordered a proof. Also, my first proof of Lancaster House told me I didn’t want to do a 6 x 9 trim size. Instead, I decided to go with the 5 x 8 trim size. Yes, that meant downloading the 5 x 8 template and re-formatting for that trim size. It was more work for me, but again, this is all part of the process. It takes patience. Just take your time and work through each step along the way. Eventually, you will hold your book in your hands and breathe a deep sigh of contentment over your accomplishment!! Once you’ve proofed your book, you are ready to publish!
That being said, as I work on this process with each individual book, I have a RELEASE SCHEDULE:
Lancaster House June 2012
Sierra June 2012
I Have People Sept. 2012
The Middle Aisle Dec. 2012
Joshua’s Folly March 2013
For Nick June 2013
My fabulous daughter is the one who convinced me to release on a schedule and not simply dump all my books into the public’s lap. Now, I’m especially glad for this schedule as it gives me time to perfect each book and prepare it for it’s release. Doing all of them at once would have been impossible.
And it gives me time to write another book. Something I haven’t done in a year because I’ve been too busy working on my existing books. I’m really looking forward to creating another book. In the end, it’s my favorite thing to do, and all the rest is the stuff I HAVE to do in order to be published. It’s certainly not drudgery by any means. I can’t think of any other job I’d rather be doing.
Writing is the best!
Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Now, I never intended to write a sequel to Lancaster House. However, so many family members requested a sequel, I knew I had to write one. To me, the ending of Lancaster House is totally a happy ending--if you use your imagination. But, even I knew the ending was begging a sequel. Everyone wanted to know what happened next—and I had to admit, there were several things I wanted to see happen, things that didn’t fit into the parameters of the first novel. In other words, the sequel allowed me to write the story as I saw it happening from the novel's conception. And I knew I had to begin the sequel at the exact moment I left off at the ending of Lancaster House—something I was dying to write.
The sequel to Lancaster House will be available in six months, entitled, The Middle Aisle. (Dec. 2012)
And I promise, it will leave you satisfied. Questions will be answered, loose endings will be tied up, and happily ever after . . . well, of course!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Business or Personal?
I think one thing all authors need to keep in mind is that publishing is a BUSINESS. You may have a wonderful, well-written book. But, if a publishing house doesn’t think they can sell it, you’re out of luck. Rejection letters do come based on this one simple little fact.
Too often, we take it personally. We feel discarded, cast-off, unwanted.
With good reason! It’s personal to us!
But, consider this: When you sign with an agent or publishing house, do you want them to simply think your book is okay or do you want them to LOVE it. If they LOVE it, they will work hard to become your advocate and sell your book. This is what we want.
I was floored when I read the letter THE AGENT sent out to publishing houses. (for Lancaster House) It said things like: “This is one of those stories that I started reading and couldn’t put it down until I was done.” and “This is one of those books that when I read it, I knew it would be an instant hit.” and “This is that situation we all speak of when we say, I’ll know it when I see it.”
Wow. I suddenly understood why agents say they need to love a book in order to represent it. I read it and thought, is he talking about me? My book?
Regardless, Lancaster House didn’t sell. It was sent to Kensington, Random House, Source Books, Harper Collins, St. Martin's Press, Pocket Books, and Grand Central Publishing.
Very discouraging.
But, they didn’t see it selling. It wasn’t personal. This is a business. It’s a good thought to keep in mind.
I decided to self-publish. Would I rather be published traditionally? Absolutely. But, the world of self-publishing has opened up many opportunities for writers to market their work. It’s a pretty amazing thing.
So, I’m about to release Lancaster House myself. We’ll see what the public thinks of it, eh?
Free images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Have you seen the movie, Tangled? When Rapunzel is finally free from her prison-tower, she alternates between extreme happiness, yelling with joy, and then utter misery, feeling terrible and downcast. It was quite amusing.
My husband often compares me to this funny scene in the animated flick. He says I’m happy and excited about my books one minute—and then, I’m sure that I’m going to miserably fail the next.
It’s true. My writing journey has been a series of highs and lows. But, I’m on the precipice right now, about to jump. My first two novels are about to be released. One minute I’m so enthusiastic I can hardly stand it, and the next minute I’m wondering what the heck I’m doing.
Regardless, I’m ready. I’ve worked at this for several years—and it’s time.
Taking a chance is always scary in life. But, not taking a chance is . . . well, giving up.
Not an option.
Free images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net
My husband often compares me to this funny scene in the animated flick. He says I’m happy and excited about my books one minute—and then, I’m sure that I’m going to miserably fail the next.
It’s true. My writing journey has been a series of highs and lows. But, I’m on the precipice right now, about to jump. My first two novels are about to be released. One minute I’m so enthusiastic I can hardly stand it, and the next minute I’m wondering what the heck I’m doing.
Regardless, I’m ready. I’ve worked at this for several years—and it’s time.
Taking a chance is always scary in life. But, not taking a chance is . . . well, giving up.
Not an option.
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