Monday, March 31, 2014


I am so completely excited about this news, I'm bursting at the seams!

Image courtesy of [jesadaphorn] /

LANCASTER HOUSE and THE MIDDLE AISLE are about to have AMAZING new covers!

Yep, I finally did it. 

I searched for HOURS on iStock and I found the perfect images.
I sent them to my wonderful daughter and she outdid herself with the cover design. 

(Now that I'm making money on my books, I do pay her for her work on my book covers and for her editing efforts. She does an amazing job! I like knowing that my money is benefiting my grandchildren. Besides, her husband is a High School theater teacher, and they do NOT pay teachers enough!)

The wonderful thing about the new covers is that they speak to the inside of both books perfectly!

That being said, I so much want to just post the book covers RIGHT NOW and show them to you.

But, I won't.

This time around, I'm going to do a proper cover reveal, something I've never done before because I get too excited and just want to post my covers right away.

Not to mention the fact that it will be awhile before they are available for purchase. I'm having Lancaster House re-formatted for ebook. Two different people did the ebook formatting on Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle, therefore Lancaster House doesn't match The Middle Aisle and that's just not okay!
So, it'll take a little time, but soon both books will be perfect and I'll do a COVER REVEAL!

Besides, if I reveal them now, people will just be disappointed when they realize they are not available for purchase yet.

So, a little something to look forward to, eh?

As for the old covers . . . I love them, I do. 

I liked the idea of a hand reaching out from the the grave. It seemed appropriate to the story; Andre reaches out to Zoe from beyond the grave. It was Carrie-like and kind of creepy.

There's just one problem. 
This is not a horror novel. This is a paranormal romance.
People who like horror are drawn to the cover and are sadly disappointed when they realize it's a romance.

People who love paranormal romance are turned off by the cover because it looks too creepy.

In other words, the cover just wasn't working.

I love The Middle Aisle cover because it matched Lancaster House so perfectly. And part of the story takes place in Monterey, California. Monterey is known for its cypress trees. The tree on the cover of The Middle Aisle reminded me of a cypress tree and seemed perfect.

But, if the right people aren't reading the first book, no one will ever read the second one no matter what the cover looks like!

Bam! Decision made!

New covers for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle!

From an author's viewpoint, the new covers fit what's on the inside PERFECTLY. 

I can't ask for more than that.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Kindle Countdown Deal starts today!
.99 pennies today! (Friday)
1.99 tomorrow (Saturday)
2.99 back to regular price on Sunday
Grab your copy while it's on sale!

To get deal, go here.

I apologize to my UK fans. This is my first time scheduling a Kindle Countdown, and I didn't realize I needed to do it for BOTH and Amazon UK.
I'll schedule a Kindle Countdown deal for Amazon UK for next week! Promise!

A review I LOVE is below. This reviewer read and reviewed FOR NICK twice!! Can't ask for more than that!

5.0 out of 5 stars Incredible Multi-Faceted Must Read! July 3, 2013
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
*******Added 12/27/2013******
I just reread this the day after Christmas and I loved it the first time I read it. I enjoyed it even more the second time around.

Zachary Drake is a widower who wants nothing to do with emotional entanglements. He has had his one true love and doesn't need another. His grandfather has just passed away and in order for Zach to retain ownership of Drake Enterprises, his grandfather's will states he must marry and remain so for one year.

Andie Parker is searching for a job she desperately needs. She will do anything for the love of her life, Nick. Even marry a stranger for one year in exchange for a million dollars.

There is no denying that within a few days of their marriage they are falling for each other. They are both surprised that their relationship is turning into something sweet, pure and real.

What happens when misunderstandings abound, communication is nonexistent, and a beautiful, cunning woman sets her sights (and her claws)on Zach and is prepared to do whatever it takes to win him away from his wife and doing so right in front of Andie?

This is an absolute must read. I highly recommend this book.

*******Original Review 7/03/2013*******
'For Nick' is a page-turner that you will want to read in one sitting. You won't be able to put it down, at least I couldn't. There are many facets to this story. Intrigue, anger, unbelievable emotional gut-wrenching pain, heartache, misunderstandings, but beneath it all a deep abiding love that is pure and beautiful even though it gets discolored for a time.

There are many twists and turns that will surprise you, delight you, make you cry, tick you off, and make you laugh. Actually, towards the end of the read I laughed until I was doubled over and as I reread that particular chapter two more times, I laughed harder with each read. Absolutely hilarious.

This is the first book I have read by Taylor Dean, but it certainly will not be my last. She is an amazing writer who creates fascinating characters with a storyline that many writers could not accomplish. I appreciate that this book was not laced with profanity and explicit sex. That, in and of itself, seemed to add to the sweetness and purity of love. And...heaven, what a nice way to bring in Heavenly Father and Heaven. Thank you Mrs. Dean.


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Christy!

To view, go here.

The answers last week were AMAZING!

I had to ask my daughter, an impartial judge, to help me pick the winner. She doesn't know who has or hasn't won in the past and was able to choose the winner based on merit alone!

You have all impressed me with your creative answers!

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [renjith krishnan] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

I'll start: "Separation Anxiety"

My favorite answer wins a Kindle ebook of their choice from the Taylor Dean Books collection OR a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I'M WITH YOU is officially DONE and has been sent off to the ebook formatter!

The release date is APRIL 15TH, 2014

Sorry for the delay. I spent a lot of time revising and editing this book till I had it just right.

I will be offering REVIEW COPIES when the ebook has been completed. STAY TUNED!

Can three little words irrevocably change your life?

When the doctors inform Chloe Brennan that her pregnancy is “incompatible with life,” her subsequent choices will change her path forever. 

She becomes one of the quiet, unsung heroes of this world, incredibly strong, yet somehow wrongly looked upon as damaged.

Three people will pierce Chloe’s existence: her husband, a stranger, and a precious baby.

One will say goodbye, one will say hello, and one will say both at the same time.

I’m With You is a novel about selfless love and the sacredness of life.

Please note: 
While this book is a romance novel, it also deals with the sensitive issue of baby loss grief. 

The emotions are real, and sometimes dark. 

If you are sensitive to this issue, this may not be the book for you.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Today I am especially grateful for readers who reach out to me.
It is absolutely the most amazing, rewarding experience and makes me smile from ear to ear every single time!

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /

Having a readership means everything to me!

Here are just a few comments/emails I have received lately:

I want you to know how much I enjoyed reading Sierra. It was so intense and emotional. I cannot verbalize like some reviewers with a professional vocabulary so I will not try except to thank you for a book I didn't want to put down. You are a gifted writer.

I have read Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle. I was wondering if that is the end of the story or if there will ever be another book? I loved both books so very much.

I started reading this (I Have People) yesterday on my commute home at 4.30pm. I continued reading all evening, completely ignoring my husband for a few hours. I'm now finishing off the last 5% while at my desk at work - I literally cannot wait another 6 hours until I'm on my way home again to find out what happens!

I've never read any of your books before, but after downloading I have people and reading it in one day, I'm a fan.
Very well written and the plot was really good. I could actually see everything as it was a movie.

Hi Taylor. I just wanted to say that I have just finished For Nick. What an absolutely fantastic story. So many twists and turns, it was just amazing. To go from total love to complete hurt and mistrust to love and devotion again, it was amazing! Thank you so much.

Just finished The Middle Aisle yesterday, so have read all your books. First came across For Nick in July, and can't get enough of your books!!! I was a bit worried about Lancaster House series, and it really had me questioning myself throughout it all. But WOW once again! Thank you for writing such good, clean, enjoyable books!

Yes, it's rewarding when I see my sales report increase, and yes, it's rewarding to receive a paycheck from those sales . . .
But, there is nothing that makes me happier than receiving these types of messages!


And now that I have these wonderful messages listed in one place, whenever I'm feeling down, or unsuccessful, (Believe me, those days come more often than you might think.) I can come here and read them and feel good!

And now for a quick change of subject. A few weeks ago, I had my haircut and promised better pictures soon. Then I got SICK and frankly, didn't bother with doing my hair! Now I'm better and snapped a few pics yesterday. 

What I wanted:
(Sandra Bullock in Demolition Man)

What I got:

My daughter saw these pics and said, "I think it needs to be shorter for Sandy B's look, and styled just barely with a flat iron. Curling it under makes you Sandra D from Grease!"

Ah well, nice try, but I think I'll grow it out again!

Friday, March 21, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

I'll think I'll read Sisters in Love by Melissa Foster this weekend.
I've always wanted to read one of her books.

I'm Danica, a therapist, and I'm falling in love with one of my patients.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


There is a MENTAL HEALTH blog hop going on and I HAVE PEOPLE is a part of it.

To enter hop on over to Christy's Cozy Corners.

Special thanks to Christy for asking if she could offer
 I HAVE PEOPLE for the giveaway.
I am honored!

A few women have reached out to me after reading I HAVE PEOPLE, because they have experienced abuse in their lives. They have appreciated the overall message, which is IT IS NOT OKAY.
This has meant a lot to me. If it helps even just one person, it is worth the effort it took to write it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Rita!

To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [Victor Habbick] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

I'll start: "Love on the Rocks" 
(I know, so obvious, but I couldn't resist!)

My favorite answer wins a Kindle ebook of their choice from the Taylor Dean Books collection OR a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Image courtesy of [debspoons] /

So, this picture pretty much describes the last two weeks of my life.
I caught some sort of virus and "stuffy-head-fever-so-you-can-rest-medicine" has new meaning.
I've been plagued by a horrible cough, aching joints, stuffy nose, and to top it all off, my eyes became infected. 
Bet you're glad we're communicating through a computer!

Image courtesy of [Salvatore Vuono] /

Now, my lungs are clear, the cold is gone, my eyes are fine, but . . . 
My throat is RAW and on fire.
So, I went to the doctor yesterday to find out why I wasn't better yet. I mean, it's been two weeks!
I don't have strep, which is what I was most worried about.
Doc said it's a virus and it will just take time to get better. 
Ugh. Yesterday was my first time leaving the house in TWO weeks.
Not fun.

Image courtesy of [supakitmod] /

However, when I'm sick I get a lot of writing done. I sit, slumped at my computer, wearing PJ's, wrapped in a comforter, and I work on my writing non-stop. When I'm not at the computer, I'm sleeping.
I don't really do much else cuz I feel terrible.
So, there are advantages to being sick.

But, I'm ready to feel better now!

Hope your Monday is a little better than mine!

Friday, March 14, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

Right now, I would choose the main character, Chloe, from my new book, I'M WITH YOU.

Interestingly enough, I feel as though I already have sat down with Chloe and she has bared her soul to me. My daughter lived parts of Chloe's experiences and I've drawn heavily upon her thoughts and feelings in order to write the book.

It's been quite the experience.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Mary Preston!

To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [samuiblue] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

I'll start: "Touched by Love"

My favorite answer wins a Kindle ebook of their choice from the Taylor Dean Books collection OR a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Many thanks to all who grabbed a free copy of I HAVE PEOPLE  over the weekend.

As of Sunday afternoon, the stats were:


On Sunday night on

On Amazon UK: (sunday aft.)

I spent the week working on my FINAL edits to 

I'm almost ready to send it off to the ebook formatter.
It's so hard to declare it DONE!
 I always want to read it "one more time" just to be sure.
However, I now feel happy with the book.
Before I did the final edits, I wasn't happy with it.
Huge sigh of relief! 

Question: Do you think I write Chick Lit?
I've noticed several reviewers calling For Nick and I Have People Chick Lit.

I had to look up the definition for Chick Lit.
Here's what wikipedia says:

Chick lit is genre fiction which addresses issues of modern womanhood, often humorously and lightheartedly. The genre became popular in the late 1990s, with chick lit titles topping bestseller lists and the creation of imprints devoted entirely to chick lit. Although it sometimes includes romantic elements, chick lit is generally not considered a direct subcategory of the romance novel genre, because the heroine's relationship with her family or friends is often just as important as her romantic relationships.

This excellent and informative article is taken from the site Book Riot:
(written by Anna Bell)

We all know what chick lit is, don’t we? It’s those books, you know, the ones with those covers. The books with the main characters who wear six-inch stilettos, have fabulous high-flying careers, are size zero, and fall in love with a man so handsome that he could make a male model weep with jealousy. So right? 
So wrong.

Chick lit is one of those genres that is terribly stereotyped and judged. One that, despite evidence to the contrary on the bestsellers lists, is declared as a dead genre most years. And one that is often dismissed as a trashy read with little or no plot, usually by people who have never read a chick lit novel.

It doesn’t help that no matter where you live in the world you can spot a publisher-branded chick lit book by its cover. The UK covers sport cartoon women in pastel covers with a hint of glitter, and, in the US, whilst they may be photo covers, they’re usually easily identifiable by a woman’s feet and their heels. Yet, behind those covers, it’s a genre so wide and all-encompassing that, generally speaking, the only thing that binds it together in commonality is that the main protagonist of the book is usually a woman.

It’s almost impossible to describe what chick lit is, and I’m sure the answer would vary depending on who you ask. It can be light and fluffy romance novels; laugh-out-loud comedies that have you sniggering on the morning commute; or gritty tales of heartbreak and loss. Whilst the majority have a happy ending, and feature a love story, these aren’t prerequisites of the genre.

So what does make a chick lit novel? For me, I’d classify it as a book that tells the story of the personal growth of a woman or a small group of women. That journey may be that they’re trying to find their own Prince Charming (whilst running around Manhattan in a pair of Jimmy Choos) but it also could equally be the story of a woman in rehab coming to terms with her addictions. All I want as a reader is by the time I see the magic words ‘the end’ appear, is to be left with a sense that the main character’s life is infinitely better than it was at the start of the novel.

The characters themselves come in all shapes and size. Whilst there are still some glitzy characters, some of the best loved characters of the genre are heavily flawed, and heavily normal. Most of the heroines are characters that we don’t necessarily want to be (as look at the problems they have), but we do want to be best friends with them.

You won’t find ‘safe words’ in chick lit, neither will you find any heaving breasts, but that isn’t to say that there aren’t going to be the odd bit of sexy time. The degree of heat in chick lit varies widely, but Fifty Shades it ain’t. Sex in chick lit is incidental to the story – not the story itself.

Chick lit is also an evolving genre. The term sprang up in the mid-1990s in the era of Bridget Jones Diary (Helen Fielding) and Sex and the City (Candace Bushnell), and, generally speaking, the books were aimed at the twenty-something modern woman. Plots often involved young, single, girl-about-town types, but now that isn’t true. A lot of the writers and readers have grown up with chick lit, and the chick lit protagonist is now aged anywhere from early twenties to late forties. Authors like Jane Green, who once wrote about girls in their early careers, now find themselves writing about re-marriages and step children. Even Candace Bushnell has recently revealed that she’s writing a novel where her middle-aged main character has left New York and has headed to the country.

So what have we learnt about chick lit? It’s about women. It’s usually fresh, contemporary and it’s a genre that keeps itself on its toes. It’ll take you on an emotional roller coaster and usually leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

If you’ve never picked up a chick lit book, why not give it a go? Put your preconceptions of what you think the genre is to one side. Ease yourself in with a best-seller; a Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes or Emily Giffin and from there who knows where your chick lit journey could take you.

After reading all that, I can see how some would classify my books as Chick Lit.

But, I'm still undecided--and perhaps even more confused! I don't completely fit into the genre, but I don't completely fit in contemporary romance either.

Looking at the top 100 free lists this weekend was eye opening. The cover for I HAVE PEOPLE stood out like the proverbial sore thumb. 

I've noticed the covers for Chick Lit tend to be cartoony. Perhaps this is also why I'm being classified as Chick Lit on occasion.

Tell me what you think!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

Since I'm currently completely absorbed in editing 
I'M WITH YOU, and haven't read much this week,
I guess that would make me Chloe, my main character in my current novel.
She has endured an unthinkable loss, but she is much stronger than she realizes.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Sherry Fundin!

To view, go here.

The answers were AMAZING last week. It was so hard to choose the winner!

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [holohololand] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

I'll start: I'm going to go with the obvious choice today:
"You light up my life."

Impress me with your creative and clever answers!

My favorite answer wins a Kindle ebook of their choice from the Taylor Dean Books collection OR a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Two words describe this weekend:
(and this does not mean I'm sick of editing!)

I caught some sort of flu-like virus. Misery.

And I'm still knee-deep in editing I'M WITH YOU.

Let me explain.

Last weekend we helped our daughter move to a new home.
This gave me the opportunity to discuss I'M WITH YOU with her.
We talk on the phone ALL THE TIME, but a face-to-face talk is so much better.
She finally admitted to me that she just can't finish reading I'M WITH YOU.
You see, I'M WITH YOU includes my daughter's Trisomy 18 story. (Note: Her Trisomy 18 story, not the story of her marriage.)
She made it just past the Trisomy 18 reveal scene and it was just too emotional for her.
I understand completely.
It was extremely important to me to have her blessing with the publication of this book.
She has given it to me.
If she wasn't okay with it, I would not publish it.

So, as we were having our little heart-to-heart, she asked me to tell her the rest of the story since she will not be finishing the book.
I told her the ending and I also expressed how much I was struggling with it.
Would my characters behave this way? Were they making logical choices?
Even at this late date, I wasn't completely happy with the ending.
As it turned out, my daughter had the answers for me.
She's experienced Trisomy 18 and she understands the complicated and sometimes contradictory emotions of child loss.
She told me exactly how she would respond in the given situation.
And suddenly, I knew exactly how the story should end. Everything now makes sense.
It may not be how you or I would react to the given situation, but it is how a woman who has endured child loss would behave.
Hence, I am rewriting the ending.

I'M WITH YOU is a romance novel that includes a Trisomy 18 story.
While it deals with baby loss grief, there are several lighthearted scenes to counteract the dark scenes.
The novel focuses on the burgeoning romance. The entire book is not a downer. In many ways, the romance overrides the story and the baby loss is the secondary story.

Still, my daughter expressed difficulty in hearing about another woman's grief concerning child loss.
It's hard to hear someone else's grief when you're still dealing with your own.

The writing of this book has helped me to feel as though my grandson will never be forgotten.
Not  a day goes by that I don't think of him. 
This was my way of remembering him.
I held him in my arms and I'll never be the same after experiencing those precious thirty minutes. I rocked him as one would rock a baby, even though he was gone. It wasn't horrific, it was sacred.

This has been the hardest book I've ever written.
The subject matter is tender and sensitive and it did not come easy.

My other readers thus far have not expressed the same emotions as my daughter. Naturally, it is difficult to read about your own story through a fictional character's eyes.

In the end, I hope this book leaves the reader with a better understanding of how women who have endured child loss feel.
The emotions are varied and contradictory.
(My daughter says, "I contradict myself all the time, and I need everyone to be okay with that." Sometimes she wants to talk about her baby and sometimes she doesn't.)
I also hope readers will have enjoyed a heartfelt romance about finding the person who will stand by your side no matter what happens in life.

That being said, let's switch gears and end on an up note. 
Here's my dream cast for





Back to editing for me!
Have a great Monday everyone!