Monday, March 31, 2014


I am so completely excited about this news, I'm bursting at the seams!

Image courtesy of [jesadaphorn] /

LANCASTER HOUSE and THE MIDDLE AISLE are about to have AMAZING new covers!

Yep, I finally did it. 

I searched for HOURS on iStock and I found the perfect images.
I sent them to my wonderful daughter and she outdid herself with the cover design. 

(Now that I'm making money on my books, I do pay her for her work on my book covers and for her editing efforts. She does an amazing job! I like knowing that my money is benefiting my grandchildren. Besides, her husband is a High School theater teacher, and they do NOT pay teachers enough!)

The wonderful thing about the new covers is that they speak to the inside of both books perfectly!

That being said, I so much want to just post the book covers RIGHT NOW and show them to you.

But, I won't.

This time around, I'm going to do a proper cover reveal, something I've never done before because I get too excited and just want to post my covers right away.

Not to mention the fact that it will be awhile before they are available for purchase. I'm having Lancaster House re-formatted for ebook. Two different people did the ebook formatting on Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle, therefore Lancaster House doesn't match The Middle Aisle and that's just not okay!
So, it'll take a little time, but soon both books will be perfect and I'll do a COVER REVEAL!

Besides, if I reveal them now, people will just be disappointed when they realize they are not available for purchase yet.

So, a little something to look forward to, eh?

As for the old covers . . . I love them, I do. 

I liked the idea of a hand reaching out from the the grave. It seemed appropriate to the story; Andre reaches out to Zoe from beyond the grave. It was Carrie-like and kind of creepy.

There's just one problem. 
This is not a horror novel. This is a paranormal romance.
People who like horror are drawn to the cover and are sadly disappointed when they realize it's a romance.

People who love paranormal romance are turned off by the cover because it looks too creepy.

In other words, the cover just wasn't working.

I love The Middle Aisle cover because it matched Lancaster House so perfectly. And part of the story takes place in Monterey, California. Monterey is known for its cypress trees. The tree on the cover of The Middle Aisle reminded me of a cypress tree and seemed perfect.

But, if the right people aren't reading the first book, no one will ever read the second one no matter what the cover looks like!

Bam! Decision made!

New covers for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle!

From an author's viewpoint, the new covers fit what's on the inside PERFECTLY. 

I can't ask for more than that.


  1. I sent you a reply email about the new covers. I so can't wait to see them. It makes perfect sense to redo them to hit the proper target readers and get them to read both of these awesome books! Thanks for the gift card. Since I'd already read your books I wasn't expecting to be entered!!
    Have some serious family issues going on right now so may not see much of me for this week. But if ya need me, give a holler. I'm still checking emails!
    Congrats on the new covers Taylor:)

    1. Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry to hear that you have some serious family issues right now. I suspected something was up, as both your blog and Sherry's has not been as active as usual lately. I hope everything is all right. My thoughts and prayers are with both you and Sherry. I love you both! You have been a wonderful support to me. Take care. We will all still be here when the both of you are able to return to blogging!
      For WW, I changed the giveaway to an ebook of mine, or a $5.00 gift card, that way those who participate who have already read my books can win too! My daughter chose the winner last week for me, and I added her response to my WW this week. If you have a moment, you'll have to stop by and see it. She liked your answer the best!
      I'm very excited to show you the new covers! I hope you'll love them! Thanks again!

    2. I am very excited for you Taylor. I love the covers and am excited to see the new ones and am looking forward to taking part in sharing them. Wonderful for your daughter too. ^_^ I am like Laura, I did not expect to receive the gift card because I had read your books, I just love playing along. But it is very much appreciated. Blogging will be hit and miss, but we will by when we can.

    3. Thank you, Sherry. I hope you and your family are well. I'm sorry to hear things aren't going well right now. Your family is more important, so don't worry about keeping up with blogging right now! Everyone will understand. I can't wait to share the covers too, and will probably give in sooner than I should and share them! But now that so many of you have offered to share in the reveal, it will be an event! Thanks so much! Much appreciated. Take Care.

  2. I'm excited about the new covers! I definitely wanna be in on the reveals!!! I love that you can help your daughter in that way as well. Teachers for sure do not make enough!!

    1. So true! And a theater teacher spends HOURS at the school during rehearsals. He also teaches creative writing and speech, so he's extra busy. He loves being a positive influence on teenagers and loves his job, and there's a lot to be said for that.It's better than hating your job and earning a lot of money, in my opinion.
      I would love to have you be in on the cover reveals! I'll keep you posted! Thanks so much!

  3. So exciting! I want to redo my first cover too, but haven't had much luck in thinking of what I truly want. I'm excited for the cover reveal. If you need me to do a post for you on it when it's ready, I would be happy to do that.

    1. I know what you mean. It took me HOURS to search and find just the right images. But, once I found them, I knew they were IT. It was very time consuming though.
      Thank you for the offer of participating in the cover reveal. I will let you know when I'm ready! Thank you so much, Charissa!

  4. I can't wait to see the new covers! It will just give me another excuse to reread them. Looking forward to see what you've created.

    1. Thanks, Rachel. I think more people will be drawn to the books with the new covers. I think the old covers turned most away. They just don't scream, read me! Can't wait to hear what you think of them!
      Jax said she had a nice time with you visiting this past weekend. Great that you guys were able to get together!
