Friday, January 29, 2016


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

This is an AMAZING invention! I want one!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Congratulations to the last WORDLESS WEDNESDAY 
winner: Christy!

I liked her answer entitled:

Image courtesy of [lekkyjustdoit] /


To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [hyena reality] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "Letting love go"

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email or I will be unable to name you as winner!
You may leave multiple answers to increase your chances of winning.

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed. If email is incorrect, a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, January 25, 2016



The prequel novella tells the story of the matchmaker.
It's a fascinating read.

Available now on AMAZON for 99 cents.

I recently read the first book in the series, BROKEN THINGS TO MEND.
It's a truly beautiful story about two broken people and how they find one another.
I loved this story and wanted it to keep going! Perhaps Karey White will consider writing a sequel? I'd love to hear more about Silas and Celia's life.

Available now on AMAZON

I also had the opportunity to read an ARC of February's installment, NOT ALWAYS HAPPENSTANCE.
This book takes place in Hawaii and had me drooling over the location, location, location.
It's another beautiful love story that takes place in a fascinating setting. I loved it!

Available for pre-order right now on AMAZON.

Not Always Happenstance (Power of the Matchmaker)

March's novel, IF WE WERE A MOVIE, is also up for pre-order on AMAZON. I'm looking forward to reading this one.

If We Were a Movie

And the April novel, LOVE IS COME, is up for pre-order on AMAZON as well! So excited to read this historical Victorian romance.

Love is Come (Power of the Matchmaker)

Join us for a year of GREAT reads!

Friday, January 22, 2016


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

I'm an Introvert reader. 
But, every once in a while, I'm a Neurotic Reader if I can't find a book I like.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Congratulations to the last WORDLESS WEDNESDAY 
winner: Natalie!

I liked her answer entitled:

Image courtesy of [Mister GC] /


To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [lekkyjustdoit] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "A show of love "

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email or I will be unable to name you as winner!
You may leave multiple answers to increase your chances of winning.

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed. If email is incorrect, a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, January 18, 2016


This recent post meant so much to me.
Check out the actual post on

Books that help you get through the rough and ugly parts of life – I’m with You by Taylor Dean

Today I found out the teacher of my youngest lost her baby. She was quite early on in her pregnancy, and unfortunately miscarried. Eight and a half years ago I lost a baby, and it changed me. At first I was on autopilot trying to keep myself together. I never imagined I could feel such grief and loss, and it took me a whole while to feel like I was me again.

I remember I was not so far along, so not many friends knew I was pregnant. When eventually I started telling people (I was literally balling all the time), I got many reactions. I had many sympathetic people asking me how I was holding up, lots of hugs and a few visits, and then someone telling me maybe it was God’s way of telling me I had enough with 2 healthy children, and I was not meant to be a mother of more children. That stung! I was constantly struggling to accept this loss, and move on. I kept seeing all the women around me get pregnant, and there I was left without a baby.

What finally helped me gain perspective, was talking to women who had gone through similar experiences. They knew what I was facing, and they knew the emotions I was facing. It helped me immensely, and I slowly found myself moving forward and finding happiness again. I was one of the lucky ones to be blessed with a successful pregnancy 11 months after my miscarriage. We named our precious son Seth, to always remember the miracle he is, and the loss he helped us move beyond.


After hearing the news of my daughter’s teacher today, I couldn’t shake this feeling of compassion for her, and all the women in the world that face this loss. Each story is unique, but the loss we have shared ties us together, and helps us understand each other in a way no one who hasn’t faced this particular trial can.

When going through the rough and ugly in life, there are certain lifelines that pull us through it all. For me a book can be just that lifeline. When I read I’m with You, it hit home really hard. Chloe’s story is different to mine, but her emotions, inner turmoil, devastation, were all identical to mine. This book helped me put the last of my struggles with this trial aside, and find the peace I so desperately needed, craved. If you have ever suffered any kind of loss, pain, desperation, this is the book you need to read.


Can three little words irrevocably change your life?

When the doctors inform Chloe Brennan that her pregnancy is “incompatible with life,” her subsequent choices will change her path forever.

She becomes one of the quiet, unsung heroes of this world, incredibly strong, yet somehow wrongly looked upon as damaged.

Three people will pierce Chloe’s existence: her husband, a stranger, and a precious baby.

One will say goodbye, one will say hello, and one will say both at the same time.

I’m With You is a novel about selfless love and the sacredness of life.

Please note: While this book is a romance novel, it also deals with the sensitive issue of baby loss grief.
The emotions are real, and sometimes dark.
If you are sensitive to this issue, this may not be the book for you.


I have read all of Taylor’s books, and each book is amazingly great in it’s own way! My favorite has always been For Nick, but after reading this one, I may have to review my opinion.

I’m with you follows the story of Chloe who at the beginning of the story is being left by her husband Mark. Not long after he leaves a stranger comes pounding on the door. He turns out to be the husband of the woman Mark ran of with. This man, Jack, soon becomes friends with Chloe.
I don’t want to give away to much of the storyline, but let me tell you it is such a great read! The heartache Chloe goes through is so touching. I have gone through a similar loss, and I could relate to the way Chloe felt, the feelings she describes, Taylor hits it spot on! It is a difficult subject, but it is brought with such care, compassion and feeling, any reader reading this will be moved. After reading the book (I finished it in 1 day straight) I had to take time to process all of what I read and the feelings it evoked in me, as it hit so close to home.

This book is a real emotional rollercoaster, with really high highs, and very low lows. It is a book that will leave an impression on you for quite some time after you finish reading it. Taylor has such great talent, and her work just amazes me time and again. This story was based on a personal experience of her daughter who lost a child due to this syndrome. I cannot imagine the strength it must have taken to pen down this story and bring it to us as readers. As always, Taylor takes a hard situation and brings it to us in a way we as readers can relate, leaving us forever changed in the process. I look forward to more!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on I'm With You, Mylissa. It means so very much to me.


Another exciting thing that happened this week is an author friend included two of my books in her top faves for 2015. How cool is that?!
Check out the post here: Joy in the Moments.
Thanks, Charissa!!

  1. The Evolution of Thomas Hall by Kieth Merrill
  2. These is My Words & Sarah’s Quilt by Nancy Turner
  3. Horstberg Saga by Elizabeth D. Michaels
  4. Met and read all of new author-Jennifer Peel’s booksHouse Divided, Professional Boundaries, The Girl in Seat 24B, Other Side of the Wall, Trouble in Loveland, Jessie Belle,
  5. The Husband Maker series Karey White
  6. An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Series by Chanda Hahn
  7. Maze Runner by James Dashner
  8. Rules in Rome A.L.Sowards
  9. Song of David by Amy Harmon
  10. Girl of Mine by Taylor Dean & her new one due out this summer—Chasing Fireflies (I beta-read this, so it’s not in my count, but it’s seriously A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! I can’t wait for you to read it. Probably one of my favorites she’s written so far.

In closing, I'd like to give a little shout out to a legend.

This past week brought the news of pop icon David Bowie's death.
We have always called Labyrinth our family movie and considered ourselves David Bowie fans.
I know, we're such nerds. But we were so excited to get these t-shirts!

You're forever in our hearts, Goblin King.


Friday, January 15, 2016


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

Hmmmmm . . . I'm in!!!
That's a great list to work from.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Congratulations to the last WORDLESS WEDNESDAY 
winner: Quilt Lady!

I liked her answer entitled:

Image courtesy of [Iamnee] /


This answer made me think of the below song. Get ready for a classic from the fabulous movie, Xanadu.

Great song, right?

To view the last WW, go here.

And now let's get started with this week's WW!

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [Mister GC] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "Finding love online"

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email or I will be unable to name you as winner!
You may leave multiple answers to increase your chances of winning.

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed. If email is incorrect, a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, January 11, 2016


CHASING FIREFLIES is off to the editor.

So, how did I spend my time this week?

Starting my next book, of course.

There's a reason why I'm not a cover designer.
It's not my talent.
The example I'm about to show you is NOT the new cover.
This was me just goofing around because I needed a little inspiration as I wrote.

There's something about the look on the man's face, the furrowed eyebrows, the serious expression. It speaks to the new character I'm writing. He's serious, he's quiet, and he's been through some hard times in his life.

I love this stage of writing. It's the creating stage and I love creating new characters.

Moving on.

My father posted the following on Facebook this week:

Update on Cancer:

My symptoms started with minor pain/irritation in the stomach area. It gradually got worse until after 3 months and a few visits to the doc, I couldn't do anything but lie down on one side or the other. Meanwhile I started getting severe back pain.

Abdominal+ back pain are the combined indicators for pancreatic cancer. I'm not sure about pancreatitis/without cancer. The doc (internist) missed these early signs and assured me that I do not have "anything bad, like cancer".

Later, the 2nd gastroenterologist I saw caught it with a CT-scan.

I'm in the middle of chemo-therapy now (toxic, alkaline chemicals taken intravenously to kill cells and shrink the tumor), and it seems to be helping. After chemo, they will scan and evaluate for surgery to remove the tumor and the affected part of the pancreas and the spleen.

I lost my appetite and lost a lot of weight, including fat and muscle. My appetite seems to be coming back - because of the chemo and shrinking tumor??

I also have spots on the lungs that they are watching.

My pain has been totally controlled by morphine tablets. I stay pretty comfortable, sleep a lot, and enjoy all the blessings in my life - which far, far outweigh any cancer or anything else bad.

His post gives me a glimmer of hope.
Perhaps he will beat this cancer!
I truly hope so!

My father is a retired fire chief.
He spent his life fighting to save lives.
Now he's fighting for his own life.
I love these pics my bro-in-law took of him.

That's it for now.

Have a great Monday, everyone!

Friday, January 8, 2016


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

When pursuing a career in publishing, the most important thing you can do is NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Congratulations to the last WORDLESS WEDNESDAY 
winner: Natalie!

I liked her answer entitled:

Image courtesy of [atibodyphoto] /


To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

Image courtesy of [Iamnee] /

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "Me and my shadow"

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email or I will be unable to name you as winner!
You may leave multiple answers to increase your chances of winning.

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed. If email is incorrect, a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Monday, January 4, 2016



Image courtesy of [ponsulak] /

Before I go any further, let's just get this out of the way right

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /

As for me, I've been back for awhile now, but I'm finally returning to blogging.
The holidays stole all of my time this year. That, combined with everything else going on with my father, made blogging take the back burner.

In between everything else, I also finished all of my beta reader edits for CHASING FIREFLIES.
It will be off to my editor this week.

Image courtesy of [Prakairoj] /

Christmas and the holiday season turned out to be utterly relaxing and just what I needed. (Once everything was done, that is!)

My Christmas present this year:


Now, that probably doesn't sound relaxing, but I was so excited for the transformation, I loved every minute of it.

Here's the before and after pictures.

In 1994, I thought rose countertops and rose walls were a good idea.

Oh yeah, and a flowery wall paper border.

The first thing I did was PAINT!
And cover the border. Not happy with that as of yet, but having the border taken down and the surface re-textured and painted will come next. (Long story!)
For now, white peel and stick tiles are the new border.
It'll have to do for awhile. That part of the project didn't turn out as planned.

Next, came THE DEMO.
And it was oh, so satisfying!

Then came the granite countertops.
Even when it wasn't finished, I was in LOVE!

Next,  the backsplash was installed. It's a white
subway tile with a gray grout.

The final product!

Quite the transformation, huh?

Merry Christmas to me!!!

Moving on . . .

Special thanks to each of you for your kind thoughts and concern for my father. He is currently doing chemo and we are praying for the best. He says he feels a little better and his appetite has returned to an extent. Nausea medicines used during chemo are amazing. His pain is now under control with morphine and when I last spoke with him on the phone, he sounded a little more like himself.
And so . . . we wait . . . and hope for a miracle.

Below is a pic of my Mom and Dad that I LOVE!

Tell me about your holiday season!
Hope it was WONDERFUL!