Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kindle Fire Giveaway!

Lancaster House--along with 19 other amazing books--is currently being featured in a Kindle Fire Giveaway promotion hosted by I'm a Reader, Not a Writer. (and appearing on many other wonderful blogs, as well!)
Enter to WIN!

I have always been a paperback fan. My hubby surprised me with a Kindle Fire for our anniversary and, to my surprise, I LOVE it. I love being able to have all of my books in one 'easy to carry' place. I was taken off guard by my love of my kindle. It's amazing. When my grandson traveled with us, we downloaded movies for him to watch in the car. This is beginning to sound like promotion of a Kindle--and that's not what I'm doing! Just letting all of you paperback fans know that I've made the change--and I am in awe of my Kindle. Not sure how I lived without it! Technology has come a long way. I still remember what it was like to actually 'get up' and turn the channel or have a corded, dial-up phone. (No caller ID, no cell phones, and long distance was expensive!) I also remember when the only way to heat something was in a saucepan or in the oven. (no microwave!) Yep, life was tough back then. 

Just kidding. I'm not THAT old, but when I think about how far technology has come in my lifetime, it certainly SEEMS as though I'm old!!

At any rate, if you'd like to enter the Kindle Fire Giveaway--and find out about some fantastic books while you're at it, click on the above 'I'm a Reader, Not a Writer' link!

Good luck!


  1. Thanks for the cool giveaway chance :) Though it does take forever to get all the entries :)

    1. You are welcome, Casie! You're right, it's a LONG rafflecopter list. I suppose it's worth it for a Kindle Fire! Thanks for the comment.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Amanda! Good luck! Thanks for your participation and for visiting my blog!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy and Healthy 2013 to you all - thank you so much for this great giveaway - it has enabled me to "meet" new authors - well, new for ME, anyway - like yourself!


    1. Happy 2013 to you too, Felicia! So glad to meet you too! Authors are nothing without fans, so I LOVE new followers! Thanks for the comment and thanks for stopping by!

  5. I am always looking for new authors to get to know. Your books look terrific. Nice to come across your site.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! I hope you enjoy my books! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  6. Thank you for participating in this amazing promotion and giveaway!! :)
