Monday, April 22, 2013


If you read last week's post about a pipe bursting in our wall, then you know we had our work cut out for us this week. I bet you can guess what our weekend was like!

Yep, we spent the weekend painting our master bedroom.

Here's the scoop: Last Saturday, a pipe burst in our bedroom wall. The plumber had to cut a hole in the wall in order to repair the pipe. 

 So, why re-paint the entire bedroom? First of all, it was needed. We've re-painted every bedroom in the house--except ours! Secondly, when the plumber drilled into our concrete slab during the repair process, a thick concrete dust wafted about the room, covering EVERYTHING. And guess what the plumber neglected to do?

Cover the furniture with plastic.

Even my bed and bedding was covered with dust. 

As you can imagine, the clean-up has been extensive. Washing and then painting the walls has really helped. (Yes, my hubby complained, and yes, the company doing the repairs have made amends.)

As for me, when I paint, I cover everything!

My hubby likes a DARK bedroom or he can't sleep. Even with the hunter green walls, he still needs room darkening drapes. We chose an even deeper shade of green for the new paint color and I like it. (notice the hole is all patched up! Still drying, but it'll be painted tomorrow!)

BTW, the wall paper border that we thought was AMAZING in 1994 will soon be toast. 

I'll post more pictures of the finished bedroom when it's complete. Right now it's still a work in progress.

So, that was my weekend. It was a lot of work, but kinda fun for this HGTV addict. 

How was your weekend?


  1. I remember the days when wallpaper border was all the rage. Now, not so much. How do styles come and go so quickly? My weekend was ok. PMS put me in a crabby mood lol. But I did get to relax at least and didn't have to paint anything!

    1. A relaxing weekend sounds amazing right about now! Today was just as crazy, running around trying to get our room put back together. I think we've found a creative way to cover the border--without the grunt work of removing it. If it works, I'll post it! Hopefully the room will look really good by the time we're done. In the meantime, we're sleeping in my daughter's old room on a double bed--not fun! Glad you were able to relax! Thanks for your comment, Christy!

  2. My weekend was fine, thank you. Though I often feel weeks are more peaceful than weekends, because than the house is more quiet!

    I just love, love, love your header!

    1. I couldn't agree more! I always spend Monday recovering from the weekend! For the most part, my week is nice and calm, and the weekends are just a little bit crazy--and not my normal routine.
      I'm glad you like my header! My daughter chose it for me. She said the papers flying out behind the girl on the back represented me, writing books as fast as I can! Thanks for vising my blog and leaving a comment, Momfever!

  3. Oh, wallpaper boarders. I am so guilty of using them in my mom's house! But I learned my lesson when my husband and I had to spend hours scrapping off old wallpaper in our home. I vowed never to use wallpaper. Ever! LOL! Love the darker green color of your bedroom walls!

    1. I know what you mean! I have borders all through my ENTIRE house and now they're not so great anymore! I'll post how I cover my bedroom border--if my idea works. Glad you like the green! I'm using chocolate brown as my accent color, and so far, it's looking great. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. I'm guilty of wallpaper borders too. Thanks for linking up at Ms Mystery Case for WW. Looking forward to 'casing' your blog :)

    1. Those darn borders are all over my house--and they are drudgery to remove! After spending an hour and a half to try to remove about a foot of border, I realized I suddenly LOVE the border!! It's just not worth the effort! However, we've found a clever way to cover the border. Watch for the results! I'll be posting the pics! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my blog!
