Monday, January 6, 2014


Well, the holidays are over and it's back to the grind!
I had a wonderful holiday season, with a houseful of family. Three of my children were able to come home for the holidays, as well as one grandson! It was busy and crazy at times--okay, most of the time, but I loved every minute of it. Now I need a break to recover! My son is still home for most of this week, but then he leaves to go back to college. The house will seem so empty and quiet.
But, the memories will linger forever . . .

And my proof copy of my next book, I'm With You, has arrived. So far, one of my early readers has finished the book and she said: Just finished it. I love it! You had me crying at the end. 
Exactly what I LOVE to hear! (She said much more, but I don't want to give away anything!)

I hope your holiday season was amazing!


  1. Everybody looks happy and the baby, what a cutie pie. I love the cover for the new book!! Congratulations.

    1. I've never seen a baby that smiles as much as he does! He's so much fun. I'm so happy that you love the cover of my new book! Thanks Sherry!

  2. Soooo excited for your new book. That's exciting that you have the proof. I'm glad you had lots of fun with your kids and grandson. You're right. Those memories last you a lifetime.

    1. It all seems like a dream now, but the memories make it all real. I'm missing them all!
      It's always exciting to hold that proof copy in your hands for the first time. Such a thrill and such a feeling of accomplishment. Now it's time to edit, edit, edit! Thanks for your comment, Charissa!

  3. What a wonderful holiday gathering! Boy, the baby sure is growing. What a sweetie:)
    Your book looks spectacular. Can't wait to grab my tissues and sit down and read it.

    1. Love having a houseful of people and all the hustle and bustle that comes along with it. I'm missing my little grandson something awful! I spent as much time as I could holding him. I'll see him again next month and I can't wait. I hope you will enjoy my new book, Laura!

  4. I'm so sad I wasn't able to be there for Christmas to see everyone! What a good looking family :) And I can't wait to read your new book!

    1. We missed you at Christmas! Hope you had a nice time in Calif. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! I love your new blog!
