Friday, February 21, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

AND because this was so much fun last week, let's do it again!

I am reading RUNNING BAREFOOT by Amy Harmon.
My name is JOSIE and I am a young girl living in a small town.
My mom passed away and I take care of my father's household.
I think I'm going to fall in love with 
a native american boy . . .


  1. I so agree with the housework. Wish I had some cleaning fairies that would visit on a weekly basis. lol Who am I? I am reading Voodoo on Bayou LaFonte by Susan C Muller and I am Remy. He's a detective who has come back to the bayou to find his missing daughter. Small town attitudes and teenage girls who don't want to tell their secrets makes it that much harder to find her. (Yes, he's a man, but I like his character so that's who I want to be - today.) ^_^

    1. That's the fun of reading--you can be someone else, walk in their shoes, and experience the world through their eyes--and be a man if you want to be!!
      I'd pay a lot of money to have a cleaning fairy!

  2. Ha ha. I love that first quote. I'm in between books right now, so I guess I'm no one. Wah!

    1. Don't worry, even though you are no one today, you are still someone really, really special in my eyes!

  3. HOusework can wait. It's not like it's going anywhere.
    OMG! The last character!
    My name is Detective Jeremy Fisk. I work for the NYPD in the intelligence agency. An incident on board a jet and the disappearance of one of the passengers has me suspecting a terrorist plot. It must be stopped before the dedication of One World Trade Center at Ground Zero.
    The Intercept by Dick Wolf.
    Heavy reading but full of suspense and intrigue.

    1. So true--housework will always be there waiting for us, unfortunately
      Wow, your book sounds exciting and adventurous--much more fun than housework--and so interesting to put yourself in the detective's shoes!
