Friday, April 4, 2014


Friday Favorites include my favorite images on reading or writing!
(taken from Facebook)

Give yourself permission to relax this weekend. Take a deep breath and dive into a great book!


  1. Sadly, this accurately describes my day. I was going to actually tackle my chores yesterday...and then I was reading.

    On another note, I'd like to do a contest for my blog and I would love to give away one of your books for it! I was wondering if I could have your permission? I'd totally advertise for you as well :)

    1. Absolutely! I'd be happy to provide a paperback, plus swag and/or kindle ebooks. Let me know what you'd like and which book and I'll get it together for you!

    2. Thanks! I'm so excited to read your newest book!

  2. I get that feeling a lot :) But right now I'm in that stage where it's clean one day and the next you can't it's clean but cluttered. Teenage boys tend to not believe in picking anything up off of the floor.

    1. I feel your pain, Christy. Now I have an empty nest and find that Erma Bombeck's statement is so very true~ "One day you'll clean their rooms (meaning your kids' rooms) and you'll say, 'now, I want it to stay that way!' And it will."
      The kids' rooms are all perfectly clean and the house is quiet. And I'm sad!!! Can't win.
      Sit back and enjoy them while they're still home!

  3. Cracked me up!!! This is so me. I am taking a break from family matters to visit my friends and make a few comments.
    Thanks so much for the smile. I really needed it!

    1. You are most welcome, Laura. Thanks for stopping by. I hope everything is okay. My thoughts and prayers are with both you and Sherry.
