Monday, July 28, 2014


After offering Lancaster House for free last weekend, I have Lancaster House on my mind.

Firstly, I received a very strange review for Lancaster House:

1.0 out of 5 stars ineffective use of Penna. Deutsche.July 23, 2014
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Lancaster House (Kindle Edition)
I get it, you want to use the Amish "language." But it's just not used effectively here. I'm from Pennsylvania Dutch country and it's not difficult to understand the people even when they use "their" words in conversation. What is difficult to follow is this book when terms are not used correctly or used too frequently.
For those of you who have read LH, you know that there is no use of the Amish language in the entire book! 1920s slang, yes. Amish language, NO!
I have a feeling this reader may have confused her books.

Secondly, as I took breaks from working this week, I was drawn to watch this video over and over:


As most of you know, Adam Lambert was the inspiration behind Andre. (in the Mad World American Idol video) 

The above video also shares how I picture Andre.The clothes, the gloves, the hair--this is Andre. No black nail polish or earrings though. (Sometimes Andre slicks his hair back in the 1920s style, sometimes he lets it fall where it may, like in this video.)  I don't know if anyone else can step into my imagination and see what I see. But this song makes the plot of Lancaster House play through my mind like a movie. I can see Andre, feeling downcast, roaming Lancaster House, waiting for Zoe to return--remembering their love story. I can see Zoe making her daring escape from Serenity Hills. I can see Andre "feeling"  and "hearing" what is happening. I can see the ending of the book play out in vivid detail. I can't say more than that without ruining the ending for those who haven't read it yet. 

Take away the "end of the world" backdrop (from the movie 2012) and insert a rambling Victorian mansion--and you have Andre inside of Lancaster House! Even the words match how I imagine Andre would feel while awaiting Zoe's return. Seriously, this song was made for the wrong movie.

I don't ever go into Andre's POV, so maybe this is why this concept fascinates me so much.

Anyone else see what I see?
Maybe I need to write a book about Andre's POV!

These are my wandering thoughts on a Monday morning.

What's on your mind?


  1. I posted a comment on her review and let her know it's not an Amish book lol. Guess anything Lancaster is supposed to be Amish! :) My mind is really mixed up lately. I think I've got adult ADD!! I have too much on my mind. Have a good week :)

    1. Usually when I feel that way, I am just too darn busy and trying to do too much at once. Relax and take it easy, Christy!
      Thank you for leaving the comment on the LH review. I appreciate that so, so much. I hate that it's a one star review, and yet, it's clearly not meant for this book!
      Take a break and have a wonderful week!

  2. I'm befuddled too. I was thinking, Amish? Nothing Amish in Lancaster House!
    Love the video. I can see where you are coming up. I watched it twice and the second time it really hit me. I'd love to read from his POV!
    I received your gift from Amazon. Thanks Taylor!

    1. I'm thinking the reader must have read a book with "Lancaster" in the title and confused her reviews.
      Yay! I'm so glad you see what I see, Laura! Makes me all giddy and excited! It's like seeing Andre come to life.
      And you are welcome! Thanks for a great answer!

  3. Definitely mixed up her books, I'd say. I like the video to get a glimpse into your mind of Andre's character. Great visual for me.

    1. Agreed, Charissa. I'm not okay with getting an undeserved one star rating!! (of course I don't want a one star rating because someone hated it either!) BTW, thank you for leaving a comment on her review. Makes me feel like . . . I have people!
      So . . . not everyone is a fan of Adam Lambert, but I'm glad you liked the visual. It is what I see in my mind when I see Andre. And the words to the song--they could be Andre's thoughts exactly. Sigh.
      Thanks for your comment!

  4. Great post and I loved the video. Amish?? ^_^
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Glad you loved the video, Sherry! Did I mention that I love it???

      Yep, Amish. Go figure. LH is anything but Amish!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. That's such a strange review. Shaking my head at that one, lol.

    1. I know, right? Weird review that is obviously not meant for my book--and not much I can do about it.

      Thanks for your comment, Jennifer.
