Monday, October 13, 2014


Image courtesy of [jesadaphorn ] /

Exciting news!

This week I received an invitation to participate in a book series that will come out in 2016.
The series will start with a free novella. 
Each author will then write a single title novel that will somehow include the main character from the novella.
One book will be released a month in 2016.
The participating authors are: Karey White, Rachael Anderson, Heather Moore, Amy Harmon, Jaima Fixsen, Regina Sirois, Sheralyn Pratt, Janette Rallison, Julie Wright, Heidi Ashworth, and possibly Sarah Eden.
AND Taylor Dean!!
Wow! I'm in good company and I couldn't be more thrilled to be collaborating with these amazing authors.
More news later as this exciting project moves forward!
I'm still feeling a little in awe that I'm included in this lineup.
I'm trying to be professional, when secretly I'm jumping up and down, crying, and trembling with excitement!
But don't tell anyone. That's just between me and you!

This is the last day to grab a FREE copy of I HAVE PEOPLE.

Go here.

As of Saturday night (when I wrote this) I had 6642 downloads and the stats were: 

I'm extremely happy with the results and it's only Saturday. 
This is a wonderful way to introduce new readers to my books.

This week I have the opportunity to have my grandson with me while my daughter goes on a business trip.

I'm looking forward to my time with him.
He's a busy little guy, but he plays happily in the living room, allowing me to sit in there with him and get some work done on my laptop!
There's no better way to work!
I could spend hours just watching him.
I'm so lucky to have this little guy in my life.
Being a Grandma is the best!

Have a great Monday, everyone!


  1. I downloaded I Have People. I can't wait to read it. Thank you!

    1. You are most welcome, Rita! I hope you enjoy Holly's journey to happiness.

  2. Wow! That sounds exciting! Can't wait to read that series. It sounds like a great line of authors. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Charissa. I'm still pinching myself, wondering if it's really true! Now I have to come up with an AMAZING story. Talk about pressure! I have one in mind, but I'm still thinking it through. I have to turn in a synopsis by December, so I have time to figure it out.

  3. I'm jumping up and down with you and am already looking forward to reading it! You'll fit in well with those authors.

    1. Thank you so much, Melanie. I'm so excited. If I could choose a group of authors to work with, it would be these ladies. As I've read some of their books, I've realized they are in the niche I'd like to be in. Participating in this series puts me in the exact place I'd like to be! Thanks for your kind words.

  4. Fantastic news, Taylor! I am jumping up and down with you. So many good things happening, you must be doing something right. :-)

    1. Thank you, Sherry! I'm still jumping up and down--and thinking, wait did that just happen??! I must be dreaming!

  5. How exciting! You are such a talented author; I'm not surprised at all that you were invited in this collaboration. I can't wait to start on that series!

    1. Thanks, Rachel! The pressure's on to come up with an amazing plot. Still working on it. But it's promising. I'm still in awe that this happened! Thanks so much for your comment and sweet words.
