Monday, November 3, 2014


Hope you had a wonderful Halloween!

I received this review for I HAVE PEOPLE the other day. 

on November 1, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition
Another winner for Taylor Dean, whose books I have only recently discovered. This one featured Holly and Gabriel and their beautiful love story. I love the way Taylor has so much interaction and dialogue between her hero and heroine. She doesn't waste my time with long drawn out descriptions of places or lengthy passages of people's redundant thoughts. Taylor's books are clean, yet not prudish as so many clean books are. So far every book I have read by this author was free through my Prime membership but I have gone on to buy each one to keep in my library to read again. Please do not pass up this book or any others by Taylor Dean. You won't be sorry. Happy reading and God bless!

I LOVE this review, but what stood out to me was the following comment:

Taylor's books are clean, yet not prudish as so many clean books are.

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /

The one thing that has surprised me the most of anything since I've been published is the different definitions of CLEAN ROMANCE.
Where one person does find a book CLEAN, another does not.
It quickly made me realize that it was all up to me.
I need to write what I feel good about and not worry about pleasing the masses. Everyone will have a different opinion.
And that's just the way it is.
When I worried and fretted over it, my hubby said to me,
"Do you think you write clean romance?"
I thought for a moment. "Yes," I answered. "I do."
My hubby said, "Well, then that's all that matters."
Wise words.

Moving on, my newest book is still in the works and coming along nicely. It is getting close to completion. I wandered around iStock the other day and found the cover I'd like to use. This is just an initial mock up and you can still see the iStock watermark because I haven't purchased the image as of yet, but I think it's what I'm going to use. I'm still in the "idea stage" though.
What do you think? Do you like it? I'd love to hear from you!

Have a great Monday!


  1. I love the cover. The title makes it sound like it will be another Taylor great read. :)

    1. Yay! Thanks Linda! I love it too. I'm pretty sure the decision has been made! It just goes perfectly with the personalities of the couple in the book. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your opinion! I will keep everyone posted when I make the final decision!

  2. I'm SO excited about Girl of Mine...and Yes, I love the cover. I love your husband's words. I'm going to remember them. Have a great week!

    1. I try to remember his words too. As a matter of fact, he gets tired of hearing me worry over it and has to remind me often. So glad you love the cover mock up. I love it more every time I look at it and I think it's the winner! Thanks, Charissa!

  3. I think the cover is adorable! It looks so sweet :)

    1. Thank you, Christy! I definitely want to portray sweet romance, so that's a perfect description. So glad you like it. I'm still searching, but so far this one is my favorite!

  4. Yes, you can trick or treat for books, especially if you come by my house. LOL Congrats on the great review. I love the cover for the new book. I, too, think the cover is cute and sweet. ^_^
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Sherry. I love to hear what everyone thinks before I make my final decision. My daughter said, "It looks like a bizarre wrestling move!" Made me laugh. But it didn't change my mind. I still love this cover. It fits the characters.

    2. LOL I think it's sweet and fun, but his arms do look a tad awkward. :-)
