Monday, January 26, 2015


My hubby finished reading the first proof copy of GIRL OF MINE.

He had some excellent suggestions for improving the book. Over the next week I plan to implement all of the changes. Most importantly, however, he loved it and felt it was a fast paced and interesting read. Even though he does NOT normally read romance novels, he found the book unputdownable!
Yay! Just what I wanted to hear!
But, I do have my work cut out for me as I polish the manuscript.

I was a little sidetracked this last weekend because I had my grandson visiting while his parents went on a little vaycay!

I love this little guy! It was a nice break for me. I was able to forget everything and just relax and play with my grandson. 
When I was a mom of four young children, getting away and going on a date with my hubby was considered a break.
Now that I'm a grandma, taking care of my grandbabies while their parents go on a date is a break and something my hubby and I consider a vacation.
Go figure!

This last week also brought A LOT of snow!

Yikes! I grew up in San Jose, California where the weather was NEVER an issue. We NEVER worried about road conditions.
Dealing with driving in snow has been an ordeal for me. But all of my children have left the nest and I no longer have to drive them to school every morning.
But when my hubby retires . . . well, let's just say sunnier skies are in the forecast!

I recently stumbled upon a song that really hit home. I downloaded it and have listened to it over and over as I write the finishing touches of GIRL OF MINE.  GIRL OF MINE deals with a soldier leaving and coming home from war, something I experienced with my own hubby. This song really captures some of the intense emotions that accompany such an experience.
Watch the video until the end. There's a surprise ending . . . 


Have a great week!


  1. Such a wonderful song, Taylor. Thanks for sharing it.
    I'm really excited about Girl of Mine and I love the cover. Is that the final one?
    Congratulations on your newest venture and I hope to have a part in sharing it!!
    Have a lovely week and see ya Wednesday:)

    1. I'm addicted to that song right now. It puts my mind in the exact place it needs to be while polishing Girl of Mine.
      Yes, it's the final cover. I've toyed with the idea of changing the font, but I'm undecided--so I guess that would mean it's NOT the final cover! We'll see! And I would absolutely love for you to have a part in sharing it. Thanks so much, Laura!

  2. Your grandson is adorable. It's so much fun spending time with them. I have two grandsons ages 4 and 6 and a granddaughter age 16 months, the best part of my week is seeing them. They always make me laugh with the things they say and do.
    The end of the video made me cry.


    1. I wish my grandchildren lived closer and that I could see them every week. That would be wonderful. Lucky you! I have three grandsons, and I'm hoping for a granddaughter next! (I have three girls and one boy, so I'm used to girls!) But I adore all those little boys. They definitely brighten my life.
      The end of the video makes me cry too, Rita. So touching. Enjoy those grandbabies! They are the best part of life, aren't they?!

  3. I can't wait to read Girl of Mine.

    1. And I can't wait for you to read it, Rita! I'm looking forward to releasing this one.

  4. Yea! That's awesome when the hubby likes it. And though I don't have grandchildren yet, I can totally imagine how fun that would be to babysit them while the parents go on vacation. Great song too. Love their voices!

    1. It's very rewarding when the first person to read something I've worked on for several months loves it. Now, of course, he's a little biased, but he's also very honest with me when he doesn't like what I've written, which I appreciate. But I'm very excited that he liked it. You never know. I cross my fingers and hope for the best when others read my first drafts. It makes me wonder if I'll be the only one who likes what I've written! So nerve wracking!
      My grandson leaves tomorrow and I'll be sad and bury myself in Girl of Mine. Thank goodness for my writing! Thanks for stopping by, Charissa!

    2. Writing is a good escape...except when you need to escape from it!

  5. Glad to hear Girl of Mine is coming along so well. And the little guy, what a cutie pie. I knew that was going to happen, but I still got tears in my eyes. ^_^

    1. Me too. There's something about the vision of loved ones being reunited that makes me tear up every single time.
      My little guy left today and I miss him. Thanks for your comment, Sherry!
