Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Congratulations to last week's WORDLESS WEDNESDAY winner: Mary!

I liked her answer entitled:

Image courtesy of


To view, go here.

Wordless Wednesday is actually filled with words--the words, thoughts, and feelings that pictures or images evoke within each of us without uttering a single word!

(This is the first time I've used a picture and not an illustration for WW!)

Image courtesy of

What WORD/WORDS does this picture evoke within you?

Or, in other words, "TITLE THIS IMAGE."

I'll start: "Juicy Love"

I know you all can do better than that!
Impress me!

My favorite answer wins a $5.00 dollar Amazon gift card.
Don't forget to leave your email!

Contest is closed by Thursday at midnight and the winner will be contacted. Winner will be announced the following Wordless Wednesday.

Open only to those who can legally enter. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be emailed. If email is incorrect, a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is sponsored by Taylor Dean Books. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


  1. "Orange" you glad I love you!

    haha, sounds like a punch line from a knock knock joke.... Congrats Mary


    1. I have to admit, that answer was the first one I thought of. I was hoping someone else would come up with it and make me feel validated! It's so perfect, Jana!
      For some reason, your comment appeared twice, as did one other comment from someone else today. Don't know why. But I deleted the extra comment.

    2. Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought of this answer!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Congrats, Mary!! Life is colorless without love.

    1. I like the play on the black and white versus color. Really great answer, Christy!

  4. Congratulations Mary!!

    I love the Orange answer. That is what I was thinking but will go in a different direction now. :)



    1. I almost wrote the orange answer too, Linda! Great minds think alike!
      I love the answer you chose to go with too. So perfect.
      BTW, for some reason your comment appeared twice today, as did one other person's. I deleted the extra comment. Don't know why it did that. Sorry! Must have been some sort of glitch.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Congrats Mary!! I had a feeling that you were going to win!! Your answer was just so cute, funny, and catchy!! :)
    "Before I throw the stones against her window, I paint hearts on them so she knows that I love her."

    1. Agreed, Natalie. Mary was the first one here last week and I immediately fell in love with her answer. Everyone else gave great answers too, but Mary's was my favorite.

      I love your creative answer today. You always put so much thought into your answers. They make me think, and sometimes I have to go back and look at the image, and then I see what you see. Very well thought out! I love it!

    2. Thank you. Sometimes I stare at the picture for awhile and thoughts pour through my head but I'm not happy with them. So I keep staring and staring...(although sometimes I need to take a break so that fresh thoughts can make their way into my brain!) and then finally I come up with something I'm happy with :) I'm glad that I can get you to see the image in a new way. I always read through everyone else's answers, and I LOVE when they make me do that!! :)

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Tammy! So glad to have you back!
      I love your answer. Major bonus points for having the answer I wish I would've thought of today! Nicely done!

  8. Congrats Mary! I loved your answer.

    I'm glad we're sweethearts.


    1. A really sweet and cute answer, Rita. I love how everyone sees something completely different in this image. It's fun to see what everyone comes up with. Love your answer!

  9. I agree wholeheartedly with your winner's choice. I didn't think any of us could beat that one. LOL Congrats Mary. Wow. All you guys have some great answers. Don't think I can beat them. I can see I am going to have to try to get here earlier. LOL Okay, here's mine...

    Pictures paint a thousand words.

    Have a great day and good luck one and all. Don't be sad, Taylor. You will see the little one again before you know it. :-)

    1. Oh, I hope so, Sherry! He left yesterday at 3 PM and I miss him sooo much. He became very sick the night before he left and we ended up taking him to the emergency room and pulled an all nighter. Still dragging a bit today. He's okay, but it was a little scary. He fell and hit his head rather hard at my daughter's best friend's house earlier in the day--and then started throwing up several times in the night. We worried he had a concussion. But a cat scan showed he was fine, and now we think it was just stomach flu. Better safe than sorry though and I'm glad we had him checked. It was a long night.

      Now for the topic at hand: I LOVE your answer today, Sherry!

    2. Oh my goodness, Taylor!! Prayers for your little one!! The poor thing :(

    3. I'm so sorry. You must have been worried sick. I hope he's okay now.

    4. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Natalie and Rita.
      He was still throwing up yesterday, so my daughter took him back to the doctor once again today. Come to find out he had double ear infections, and the doctor said they were bad ear infections. They gave him an antibiotic shot and said he should be feeling better by this evening. We've been very concerned because he wasn't eating or drinking hardly anything at all. My daughter has her mother in law--who is a nurse--staying with her this evening, so he is in good hands. Hopefully he will be back to his normal self very quickly.

      So . . . no concussion and no stomach flu. I never would've guessed ear infections!

      Thanks again for your concern.

    5. OMG. I can only guess at how scared you guys were. I am glad he is okay. That is nice that her mother in law is a nurse and is watching out for him. Take care. :-)

    6. Thank you, Sherry. My daughter said by Thursday, he was inconsolable--and that was even worse than rushing to the ER. He's doing great now. The antibiotic worked it's magic and he's eating and drinking again. I had no idea ear infections could cause those symptoms. Thanks for your kind words!

  10. Ok, I'll finally try one, although everyone else's answers are way better. I'll say: Paint the world with Love.

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you decided to play along, Charissa! You have such a great sense of humor and I'm sure it will come through in your answers!

      Your answer today is WONDERFUL!! Love it!

  11. Thank you so much. Always lots of fun.

    I tagged my love in the produce section.


    1. You are welcome, Mary! Your answer last week was AMAZING!
      Your answer this week made me laugh out loud! Too, too funny. How did you come up with that? Very clever. I love it!

  12. Congrats Mary!!

    Your love is juicy sweet!

    1. We think along the same wavelength, Laura! Great answer!

  13. Congrats!

    You fill the hole in my heart

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. I love original answers that make me think, the answers that make me look at the image with different eyes. Yours did that. Great job, bn!
