In my case, I don't mean finishing reading a book, I mean finishing writing a book!
I don't have a day job. Writing is my job.
But . . . so many other obligations have kept me away from working on my book this summer. It's been a little frustrating.
However, in about two weeks I'm finally going to be ready to send my newest book, CHASING FIREFLIES off to beta readers!
Yay! I'm so excited!
If you're interested in beta reading for me, please say so in the comments.
Beta reading is work. It is not the same as reading an ARC in exchange for a review. It is reading the author's first draft of a book and giving advice about the plot and generally letting the author know what you think of the book and how they can improve it.
The final published version may be very different from what the beta reader reads.
The cover reveal for all of the books in the Power of the Matchmaker series is coming soon!
The prequel novella is now up for pre-order HERE.
Moving on . . .
Do any of you watch So You Think You Can Dance?
I love to post my favorite dances of the season.
The man in the below video is supposed to be keeping the woman from "going toward the light."
It's brilliant.