Monday, December 14, 2015


Hi Everyone,

I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season. I am finally home. My daughter labeled the last few weeks, "Mom's Great Adventure." That pretty much sums it up.

I spent almost two weeks in Oregon visiting my father and helping my mother take care of him. If you didn't read my prior post, he was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The longest most people live is five years. More than likely, six months to two years. We simply don't know. But, I know one thing for sure. Seeing him in this condition was disturbing. I don't like seeing anyone, much less someone I love, in pain. In spite of this, I had a wonderful visit with family as we surrounded my father with love.

Four generations: My father, me, my daughter, and grandson.

Me and my sister with my father. 
On Sundays, he wears his white shirt and tie with his pajama pants, even though he lays in bed all day.

Me and my two sisters with my father.

We celebrated an early Thanksgiving together. My father was able to come to the table for about five minutes and was able to eat a little too.

All of us visiting with Dad.

We had to quickly snap pictures when he was up and awake, which was a rare occasion. Of all of the cancers you can get, pancreatic cancer is one of the most painful. It's a horrible thought and I won't go into the details. Suffice it to say, my father is enduring it without complaint. I would be curled in a ball crying my eyes out. Seriously.

I'm so glad I was able to be there and see him.

We (my daughter and grandson went with me to Oregon) flew into Dallas and were eagerly greeted by our hubbies. We stayed with my daughter and her family in Dallas for the Thanksgiving weekend.

After that, we had three days at home before we had to turn around and leave again for my son's graduation from college!

December in Austin, Texas is fantastic!

Saying goodbye is sooooo hard.

So, that's been my life for the past few weeks. Now I'm home and getting ready for Christmas and just trying to catch up on everything.

I usually close down my blog for the holidays, since everyone is so busy.

That being said, I will resume Wordless Wednesday in January.

Merry Christmas!

Hold your family close and enjoy every minute of time you have together.


  1. I am so glad, even with the bad, that everyone enjoyed their time together. I am constantly telling myself, especially with my in laws who can be a bit difficult, to enjoy the time we have together. My mother went back to Michigan and every time I wonder...She is healthy, but has really slowed down. We made many trips to Windcreek Casino and Biloxi MS, because she loves those one armed bandits. LOL When we are young, we think we have forever, but the older I get, the more mortality rears its ugly head. Take care and I hope you have a wonderful holiday, Taylor!

    1. So true, Sherry. Mortality has a way of creeping up on us. My dad seemed like the vision of health when we visited in July. The change in him during my visit in November was shocking. And very unexpected. At least, I didn't expect this to happen. Not at all. Enjoy your time with your mom while you can. Losing my parents is one of those things that I often felt would never happen to me. Foolish, I know. It happens to all of us.
      Hope your holidays are wonderful as well!

  2. Your father is a trooper. I love his sweet face in those pictures. He knows what is really important. I think that's the biggest lesson we're all trying to learn in this life. Have a good Christmas, Taylor.

    1. I know when I'm surrounded by my family, I feel the happiest. That tells me a lot about life.
      Even though Dad couldn't really enjoy the visit, he appreciated all of us being there and coming to see him. We took turns having quiet visits with him. It was worth all the effort to go see him. I don't know what will happen next. I guess we just wait and see how he responds to the chemo.
      Merry Christmas to you too, Charissa!

  3. Wishing you a Merry Christmas! Loved the pictures of your family. Your dad must know he is loved very much.

    1. Thank you so much, Rita. I think Dad does know that he is loved very much and leaves behind an amazing legacy. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
      PS I always appreciate your comments on Facebook. Thanks!

  4. I'm so glad you got to spend time with your dad. When my mom was sick with cancer, I saw her every day and the changes were still difficult to process. I was stunned because, like you, I thought she'd live forever. It's been almost nine years since she passed away and I still miss her, but that first year is definitely the hardest. Make sure you record your feelings and the process because you'll be so glad to have that later (when the fog lifts and reality sets in). Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your beautiful family!

    1. Wise words. Thank you, Melanie. There really is a fog around you when you go through something like this, almost a fog of disbelief that this is really happening. I'm sorry about your mother. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you. It's so hard to lose our parents. Just the thought of losing them makes me feel alone, even though I have a family of my own.
      Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your thoughts on the matter. Take care and have a Merry Christmas!

  5. I am glad you got to spend that time with your dad. I'm praying for him. I have had a rough week. My friend's daughter passed away from cancer that she has had since she was 8. She was 21 and passed away last Sunday. We went to her memorial Saturday. It was a joyful yet sad time. If you get on my FB page, you can watch her recording. I've missed you! Merry Christmas! Love you!

    1. I've missed you too, Christy. I guess we'll all get back to a normal schedule after the holidays! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. I can't imagine how hard it would be to watch your daughter go through something like that for so many years.
      Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas. Love you too!

    2. Thank you! We just made our cut-outs finally! Now I'm watching Christmas Eve on Sesame Street from 1978 because I recorded it probably almost 20 years ago for Molly and I am a kid at heart. I'm the only one who cares about it lol. Sesame Street just makes me happy because I really grew up with the characters!
