I spent the week trying to recover from the flu.
My hubby had a business trip to Santa Fe and I had planned on going with him.
It's one of my favorite trips.
I knew I was too sick to go, but my hubby convinced me that the fresh mountain air would be good for me, so I pulled myself out of bed and packed.
On the way to the room in the hotel, I stumbled down the long hallway and thought I was going to pass out. But I made it, collapsed onto the bed, and basically didn't get up for two days. As a matter of fact, I never once even left the hotel room. My hubby bought me food and I attempted to eat, but that didn't go over too well.
During the day, I kept the window open. I had a beautiful view of Santa Fe with the mountains in the background. The fresh mountain air did indeed feel good.
In my mind, I romanticized the situation and told myself I was so sick that I was being spirited away into the mountains to recover. My daughter is a Victorian novel fan and she said it was like being sent away to the seaside to recover--doctor's orders.

BTW, I went to the doctor for a steroid shot. He didn't mention the need for fresh mountain air.
Bummer. Where are the doctors that prescribe such a thing? I need one. Better yet, wouldn't it be nice if insurance covered a "get well" trip?
At any rate, I had my dose of fresh mountain air, and it did do me a world of good. I am much better, but so weak.
First order of business this week--get my health back. I'm going to eat well and try to get a little exercise everyday.
Second, try to get my books selling again.
My book sales have NOT been good lately. Actually, sales haven't been good for a long time. My books just haven't taken off like I hoped they would.
It really gets me down sometimes. It gets into my head and I feel like my books must NOT be good or else they would sell.
Even as those negative thoughts wander through my head, I busily type away at the computer on my next book--that also won't sell.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm putting so much time and effort into an endeavor that appears to be fruitless.
But I can't stop myself. I love writing.
And so I push forward. Giving up is not an option.
No more feeling sorry for myself.
On a lighter note, I read a really good book this week. It kept my mind off enduring the flu--and everything else.

Seriously good book. I promise, you won't be able to put it down! Give it a try!
Have a great week everyone!
I'm sorry the trip was a bummer. I hope you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteI am feeling better today. Thank you, Rita. I'm still glad I went on the trip. My hubby pampered me and I love him for it. He took good care of me.
DeleteFirst, I'm sorry you were sick, but it cracked me up about the going to the seaside to recover...I always say stuff like that! When I get a cough, I tell my kids I have consumption or something like that and I need to go away to recover. I'm sorry about the book sales! UGH! If you will send me weekly (even daily) tweets, I would be happy to send them! I just don't have time to write them, so send me a copy and paste!! Your books deserve to take off!!!
ReplyDeleteGoing away to recover certainly has its charms, doesn't it? I'd like to take off for the mountains every time I'm sick!
DeleteThanks for the offer. When I have something to tweet, I'll send it your way. I have always appreciated your support. Thank you!
Always :)
DeleteI agree with Christy. Your books are amazing, so don't give up. You never know when they'll take off. Your hard work should pay off (I'm giving us both a pep talk because marketing books sucks the life right out of a writer. Sigh). I'm glad you're getting better. Hopefully the next trip will be more fun for you.
ReplyDeleteMarketing is so hard. I'm not even sure what to do next. I feel as though I've tried everything and no one wants to constantly see ads about books. I don't want to weary readers. Thanks for the pep talk!
DeleteI'm finally feeling better today. Thank goodness. I'm ready for summer and good health!