Monday, June 13, 2016


Time for another fun fact about CHASING FIREFLIES!

To see last week's post, go HERE.

Now available on AMAZON for pre-order.

CHASING FIREFLIES takes place in China.

It is based off of some of my daughter's experiences while she spent a semester there teaching English.

Here's an interesting little tidbit about China--one that I incorporated into my novel.

(I've posted this once before, but now that the release date is getting closer, and readers are following along with these posts, I'm posting it again!)

The number four to China is just like the number thirteen is to America.
Evidently, the Chinese name for four is similar to the name for death, hence it is considered unlucky. 

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /

My daughter was housed in a very nice apartment building across the street from the school where she taught. 
The floors were labeled: 1, 2, 3, 3B, 5, etc.
The Americans, of course, were housed on Floor 3B!!!

It's so interesting to learn about life in another culture.
I'm so thankful to my daughter for letting me share some of her stories in my new book, CHASING FIREFLIES.

Read CHASING FIREFLIES for more fun facts about China!

Of course, in the end, this book is not specifically about China. Above all, it’s a love story.

My sisters think I’m crazy.

But, I’ve never forgotten the mysterious woman from my childhood who told me Paul is the name of my one true love.
She told me to search far and wide for him.
I haven’t stopped looking ever since.

When I stumble across an article about a successful American entrepreneur named Paul who lives and works in China, I’m intrigued. When the opportunity to teach English in China presents itself on the same day, I know it’s not a coincidence.

It’s destiny.

My sisters say I’m chasing a dream.

Just like the fireflies we tried to catch on the warm summer evenings of our youth, the dream seems beyond my grasp.   Will my quest for the elusive Paul always be just short of fulfillment?

My sisters tell me it’s a fool’s errand.

Until I remind them of the day we saw the Red Bird.
The memory silences them.
The Red Bird Incident remains inarguable—and proves my search for Paul is not a silly fantasy.

I will find Paul . . . I will.


To see the next post about


  1. That part was so funny! Of course, they put the Americans on the unlucky floor!

    1. When my daughter told me that story, I found it very amusing as well. I had to add it to the book. There were so many stories from her time there, I really had to pick and choose what fit into the novel--but the 4th floor story had to stay!
      BTW, I don't know how you get all those people to retweet your tweets, but WOW! So many retweets of your Chasing Fireflies tweet went out into the twitter-verse. Sales went way up! So wonderful! Thank you! Please share your secret with me!

  2. I agree with Christy. It's funny that they put the Americans on the real fourth floor.

    1. Right?! That story cracked me up!! Like I said in my book, my daughter looks at the world in a unique and humorous way. That made sharing a few of her stories very interesting. She finds humor in things that many do not. But I love that about her.
      Are you in your new house now, Charissa? I hope you are loving it!! It's so much work at first, but then you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Hope you can relax and enjoy soon.
