Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Top Ten Lists of 2012!

I made TWO top ten lists for 2012, at least that I know of! I can't even begin to tell you how much this means to me. Last January I was pretty sure my writing career was OVER. My agent announced that there was nothing more he could do for me--and that was that. I was on my own. I cried and felt like a failure. Then, I picked myself up and made the decision to self-publish--and the results have been amazing. It's been a busy and challenging year. Getting my books out to the reading public has been no easy feat--and I've still spent much more than I've earned on the endeavor. However, it's posts like these, below, that encourage me to keep on moving forward and NEVER give up! Although I'd like to earn money writing . . . honestly, the most rewarding thing has been comments from people who loved one of my books. Seriously! They make my heart soar!


Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle made it on the top ten list by Shelly at A la Mode!

Two of my books--TWO--made it on the top ten list by Brandy of Book Worm Brandy! Both Sierra and I Have People!

Thank you Shelly and Brandy!

And to think, last year I was crying and moaning, thinking no one will ever like my books, and this year I made TWO top ten lists! No matter what happens in the future, I've succeeded! I truly believe that not trying--not reaching for our dreams--is where we fail. If we fail while trying, well, at least we tried and did our best! Be proud! What if I'd given up, lost all hope? I never would've known that there really are people out there who enjoy my writing!

And that is the most wonderful feeling of all!

If you're reading this, THANK YOU! I hope this message encourages you to reach for your dreams in 2013!


Image courtesy of [Vlado] /


  1. You are most welcome!! I can't wait to see what you have for us next!

    1. You are wonderful, Shelly! It's an amazing thing to be on a top ten list. Thank you so much!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kim! So unexpected and such an honor! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. Hopefully I will be able to read more books this year! Happy New Year!

    1. I hope you can too, Daraya! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope 2013 is a great year for you!
