I suppose this is not really a weekend post, just news from the week! Here it goes!
My daughter made this FABULOUS banner for me.
Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle will be on sale starting on Oct. 20. If you'd like to share this banner on your blog or Facebook, or anywhere else for that matter, please feel free! Thank you!
(OR contact me and I'll send you the image!)
Sierra will be on sale starting on Nov. 2, as well. (My daughter is currently making another banner for me!)
There's an interesting story behind this sale . . .
I applied to be featured on BookBub, an ebook advertising site. They are very particular about which books they will feature, so being accepted is a BIG deal!
I applied to feature Sierra under Contemporary Romance. BookBub responded saying they would love to feature Sierra, however, they felt it would be featured best under the category of Literary Fiction.
Now, I realize there is a compliment hidden in there somewhere.
I mean, wow, Literary Fiction!? Really?
HOWEVER, I feared that anyone looking to read Literary Fiction would be greatly disappointed in Sierra, especially when they realize it's really, in essence, a Romance novel.
I expressed my fears to BookBub.
They responded, again saying they felt it would do well under Literary Fiction.
So, I'm taking a chance--and it will be featured on the BookBub advertisement on Nov. 2 under Literary Fiction.
I hope this decision doesn't backfire on me! I'm both excited and scared to death!
Another thing I wanted to share with you is a funny little tidbit from last week's 'sad ending' post:
I sent the link for the featured music video to one of my other daughters. This was her rather comical response:
This was really sad, I think the lesson learned here is that
spray paint is not the way to communicate. Misunderstandings happen that
can lead to serious bodily harm.
That gave me a good laugh!
Lastly, this past week I received the most AMAZING pictures of my little grandson, Gavin. He's only a month old in these pictures and I think the photographer is an absolute GENIUS!
He has stolen his Grandma's heart too!!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!