Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I entered FOR NICK into a contest: the Writer's Digest Self-Published eBook Awards.

I didn't win.

But each contestant receives a brief judge's commentary and I thought I'd share mine with you.

Judges Commentary:

There's some nice writing here, although you slip into telling the reader more than showing sometimes (e.g., Camille was a little minx, but she was one of Emily's dearest friends. It would be better to let the reader see this through Camille's actions; in fact, you do that to an extent by showing her flirting with Zach).

Dialogue is nicely written. The characters seem clearly defined by the way they speak.

The setup for the main story that Zach has to find someone to marry or he can't inherit the firm, so he hires someone to be his wife seems rather contrived, and the ending is a little obvious. Given the value of property, it's hard to see how his grandfather would find this an acceptable plan of action. At the same time, it's sufficiently farfetched that it makes an entertaining story, provided the reader doesn't take it too seriously.

You seem to hit the right cliches for a romance novel: the gorgeous, seemingly flawless male and the beautiful but vulnerable young woman. It might be interesting to actually try crafting the story against these stereotypes: make the man vulnerable and the woman dominant. But within the context of mainstream romance, what you've done works very well.

There is one comment I dislike greatly when I receive reviews and that is: the story is not BELIEVABLE. 
Although I often deal with serious issues in my novels--and For Nick is certainly no exception--they are written to be entertaining, an escape from the world. They are meant to allow the reader to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride--a sometimes fascinating and crazy ride.
Hence, I love that the judge says:  It's sufficiently farfetched that it makes an entertaining story, provided the reader doesn't take it too seriously.

Above all, my goal has always been to entertain the reader. 

I realize that this type of novel does not appeal to everyone and that's okay!

As for me, I say believable is for real life. Unfortunately, real life is far too unbelievable sometimes.

That's why we need an ESCAPE!

What type of book do you LOVE?


  1. I think most books I read are unbelievable in some manner or other, but that's what makes me love them. You have to keep throwing obstacles in and not dwell on happiness too much (until the end) or you'll bore the reader. So I don't think being unbelievable or far-fetched is bad in any way. That's what makes the escape so fun. And another thing I love about fiction is that it makes you think what you would do IF something crazy and unbelievable did happen to you like that (which sometimes it does)...and I feel I grow through watching the characters handle hard situations.

    1. You make some really good points, Charissa, and I totally agree! Well said. I love the escape that a fictional book provides from real life!

  2. I like the book I read to be believable. Far-fetched is absolutely wonderful, but far-fetched means it could happen. I don't want to read about something that seems silly because it was so far out there - paranormal/fantasy excluded, of course. But, I do like to think when I'm reading a romance that it just might be possible - maybe one in a trillion, but possible. I also have to say that I completely disagree with the judges opinion on using a dominant female and weak male. Now, some like those stories, so I'm not referring to everyone. I just don't.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Ali. I appreciate your insight. I love to hear what readers think.
      And I agree, I don't like the idea of a weak male at all! A dominant female is fine, as long as the male is strong too.
      Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. I like all kinds of books, so whether a book is believable or not doesn't really matter to me. I've read non-fiction that was hard to believe. Like you, I believe books need to provide an escape and enjoy reading books where more and more outrageous things happen that sometimes make me squirm and shake my head. I like to read the creative ways characters handle the situations that are thrown at them. You definitely accomplish your goal to entertain the reader, even though sometimes you also make me cry. :)

    1. Sorry for making you cry, Melanie! I love a book that brings out my emotions, so that's what I love to write. You are the second person to mention that it's interesting to see how characters handle certain situations. I think that hits the nail on the head! We are, in essence, living vicariously through the lives of the characters we read about and putting ourselves in their situation. When we can relate to a character, we enjoy the book! An escape into someone else's problems always makes our own lives seem so much easier too! Thanks for your comment!

  4. You do entertain the reader, so you are meeting your goal! Who cares if it would happen in real life and who says it wouldn't? I love the story lines in your books and they take me on a great escape from my world :)

    1. Thank you, Christy! I appreciate your comment so much! You've been a constant supporter of my books and I LOVE it! I love the escape into another world while writing the books as well! It's so fun to absorb myself in a manuscript while the hours melt away. Times passes so quickly while I'm writing.
      I'm glad you are entertained with my books. Makes me so happy!
      Great to hear from you!

  5. It's fiction right! We all read to escape. If it was all believable with no fantasy or wishful thinking, it wouldn't be an escape. And I don't always have to have a surprise ending to enjoy the journey. Sometimes, getting the ending I want is what keeps me turning those pages:)

    1. What a good point, Laura! Just like in real life, sometimes the joy is simply in the journey! Something we too often forget and lose sight of. Thank you for reminding me of it!
      And, yes, sometimes I just want to say, 'It's fiction! Sit back and enjoy the ride.' But, that's just the way books are. No two people feel exactly the same about them and that's okay. My hubby always says, 'it's an art form and everyone has a different opinion.' I'm learning to accept this.
      Thank you for your insightful comment.

  6. I know we all have different things we want from books, but fiction is not and never will be real. Sometimes the more unbelievable, the more I enjoy it. After all, I don't think there is a dragon, a vampire, or a serial killer in my near future - other than in the books I read. At least I hope that is the case. That is the wonderful thing about it - the adventure of walking in someone else's shoes, getting lost in the story. A predictable ending is not a bad thing and I do not require a surprise at the end of every story. Sometimes I just want to relax and enjoy the ride.

    1. Well said, Sherry. I couldn't agree more. (and I certainly hope there is NOT a serial killer in your future! Mine too, for that matter!)
      I admit I love my romance novels just a little bit over the top. Real life is sometimes dreadfully boring. I like excitement in my books. Guess I don't get enough in real life!
      I also love seeing how different people react to life, even when I know it's not how I would react. It's interesting and makes me put myself in their shoes.
      In the end, all I can say is, 'it's fiction.' Enjoy!
