Monday, January 12, 2015


Often, if a reader likes one of my books, they will move on and read them all. I get a thrill out of following along with their progress and seeing how they liked each book. This happened recently on Goodreads and I thought I'd share the experience with you. (Yes, I guess this makes me a stalker!)

The reader first read FOR NICK and left this review on Dec. 29th, 2014:

Taylor Dean really crafted an interesting and thought provoking story in For Nick. She adequately builds suspense as the reader wonders who exactly Nick is. 

The review contains spoilers, so I won't post more than that. She gave it 4 stars. There were a few things she didn't like about the book. Still, four stars is great and she liked it enough to keep reading more of my books!

Then on Jan. 1st, 2015 this FIVE STAR review appeared for I'M WITH YOU:

Really beautiful story, full of loss, love, and just flat out beautiful story telling.

To my surprise, another four star review appeared on Jan. 1st for I HAVE PEOPLE:

Another Taylor Dean novel that I just thoroughly enjoyed and devoured. The characters in I Have People were complex, flawed, and realistic. The book was thought provoking and suspenseful in a way that I just absolutely enjoyed.

When a reader keeps on reading my books like this, it is such a THRILL!!!

It gets better.

She ALSO started reading SIERRA on January 1st, posting this on her GOODREADS page: 

What can I say? Kindle unlimited + taylor dean + laziest day of the new year ;)


Then on Jan. 2nd, 2015 this five star review appeared:

When I scrolled through the list on Amazon and picked Sierra, I did so without reading an synopsis or a blurb... so I had absolutely NO idea what to expect when I delved in deep. Last night, as my house work was neglected and my children climbed on the reading tower of mom, I couldn't put Sierra down. I was utterly enthralled by the story telling. 
When a small family is headed on vacation, Sam, Clay, and Alyssa's life as they know it suddenly changes. Tragedy strikes and Alyssa learns to be a survivor, strong, and fight for what she wants. 
You'll probably cry (a lot) and root for love. When the story is over, you'll feel sad that there is no more to read and relieved that there are no more twists.

On January 2nd, the reader posted she was "currently reading" JOSHUA'S FOLLY.

By January 7th, she'd posted a rating of four stars.

So, yes, that was my recent "stalker" experience. Clearly, I live a boring life! I can't even begin to tell you how exciting it was for me. (She didn't move on and read Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle, but paranormal is not for everyone!) Great way to bring in the new year! It also gave me a huge boost of confidence as I finish up my next book.

How about you? Anything exciting happening in your life? 


  1. That's how it was for me. Once I read one of your books--I think I read Lancaster House first--I couldn't stop reading them all. Your books are like good chocolate to me; it's hard to stop once you bite into them.

    1. What a nice comparison, Charissa! I'll take it! So sweet, thank you.

  2. That is awesome! I'd be the same way if I had books :) Your books are so wonderful and I can't wait for Girl of Mine! Kyle's been off school since Wed. with snow days! Hopefully they'll go back tomorrow. I am ready for a break from all these boys at my house lol. Molly went back to college today, but at least she's local.

    1. I can't seem to help myself. They say reading reviews is the worst thing you can do because the bad ones can really get in your head. But the good ones give me confidence.
      I remember snow days--with a houseful of children climbing the walls! It makes you glad when they're back in school. Then they grow up and leave and you wish they'd all come home again!

  3. I don't think you are a stalker. I would do the same thing if I was a talented writer like you. I would check out every website to see what people were saying. lol

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Rita! I guess it just makes me feel stalker-ish. That's why I left out the reader's name. I wasn't sure if she would appreciate me following her every move! (even if they are very public Goodreads moves!) She probably wouldn't have minded since it was all positive and I loved everything!

  4. Taylor, what wonderful news for you! I'm so glad your books are getting positive reviews because I think they are awesome.
    When For Nick was offered for free a couple weeks ago, I recommended it to a friend who loved it and started asking about your other books. She's not a reviewer anywhere, so I'm sure you have many people out there that like your books that you never even hear about.
    My sister was the same way, started with one book and then went on to read everything else!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Jana. A while back Amazon allowed people to rate books without reviewing them. It appeared on the paperback page for each book. I was shocked when I saw how many ratings I had from people who didn't leave reviews. I wish it was still up, but Amazon took it down. The ratings really encouraged me. So does your comment. Thank you. Sometimes I really need to hear positive feedback to feel good about what I'm doing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  5. That is fantastic!! Congratulations on capturing another fan. :-)

    1. I guess that's what it's all about! Capturing another fan! I'm so thankful for every single person who enjoys my books. It's such a thrill. I'm still in the phase where I am surprised anyone wants to read something I wrote. I am my own worst critic. Frankly, I don't want to reach the jaded, hardened phase! Always trying to be better and to improve, to write something even better than the last, keeps me on my toes!

  6. You definitely captured me as a fan (I'm the reader you posted about :) )! I was so excited and enthralled to read your books. While I didn't hop into Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle immediately, I just finished them and almost cried that you had no more books for me to read. Write faster! Haha. :) Thanks for crafting such amazing stories that really just depict true, clean, and good deep love.

    1. Oh my goodness, hello Megan!!! I hope you don't mind me posting about you! I left it anonymous, even though everything was very, very positive. I wasn't sure if you'd appreciate me blogging about you! But I absolutely loved following along as you read each book. It was so fun. And I love all of your reviews!
      I just checked and I love your reviews for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle too! I hadn't realized you had moved on and were reading those too. I know not everyone enjoys paranormal, but I'm so glad you liked them. THANK YOU for reading my books, and thank you for commenting here. I LOVE hearing from you! I'll try to write faster! But, I don't think I can write as fast as you can read! Very impressive!
      Thanks again for making an author smile from ear to ear!

    2. Oh not a problem! I can't imagine reading all the reviews, but when an author reads my reviews and likes my reviews, it makes my heart happy! :) I am a certified speed reader... not really, I'm not sure that is a "thing" but I do read really fast and I'm lucky enough that I have a little bit of time in my day as a Reading teacher to read. :) Plus my boys always take over the TV in my house, so I have no choice but to read! Thanks for your reply. I love authors who interact with their readers. It makes reading a much more personal experience.

    3. I love interacting with readers. I love hearing what they say about my books; it helps me to become a better author.
      My daughter sits and reads too while her son monopolizes the TV! And I did the same while my kids were little. I always had my nose in a book while they played. I loved being home with my children, but my mind needed something stimulating. Books were the answer! Seems like it is the universal answer.
      So excited to make your acquaintance, Megan!
