Here's the latest update on my father. He posted this on his Facebook page this week.
Good news:
1. Cancer on the lungs is completely gone.
2. Possible cancer on the liver is still inconclusive. They're going to do an MRI to get a better look.
3. While the tumor on the pancreas did not shrink (still 3.3 cm), it did not grow which means the chemo was effective, at least to that extent. They have to shrink the pancreatic tumor before it can be excised (surgery).
4. We will see the doc, after the MRI. We will start some other type of chemo that may be more effective at shrinking the tumor that's wrapped around my pancreas.
While I'm not excited about taking more chemo infusions, I think that this is good news, overall and am grateful for it.
Thanks to the many of you who have taken the time to lift up prayers on our behalf. I know that God continues to hear our prayers and answers them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I saw the below image on Facebook this week and, for obvious reasons, it spoke to me. I love The Princess Bride. And now I will always look at Inigo's quest so differently.

Cancer is a horrible thing. Here's my Dad in Sept. of 2014: (with his great grandson)
Here's my Dad in July of 2015: (with my mom)
(With me behind my mom and dad)
Here's my Dad in November of 2015: (with my daughter)
Here's my Dad in February 2016:
It doesn't even look like him.
I told my Dad he is a hero for the way he's fighting for his life.
He doesn't think he is.
But, I know differently.