Monday, November 7, 2016


I'm back to writing my new series! It feels so good to be writing again after a long break. 
Even though writing is work and sometimes quite challenging, I feel so relaxed after a day of writing. I love a silent house as I work and I love getting lost in my story.

The first book in the series is entitled, STONE SILENCE.
I came up with the idea to write this story through personal experience.

One May day in 2015, my hubby and I were driving home from Austin, Texas after a visit with my son. May of 2015 happens to be the month of THE GREAT TEXAS FLOODS.

The road we needed to take was closed due to flooding. We had to take a small highway that felt as though we were in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE in order to get home.

During that drive, my imagination conjured up a story.

We have since driven through the area two more times, just to take pictures and get a better feel for the area so that I can accurately describe it in my book.

The small highway takes you through a VERY small Texas town by the name of Roby.

If you blink, you'll miss it. But, it has some rich heritage and interesting stories attached to it.

It even has a small cafe, where I decided to have my characters dine during the course of the novel.

Now I'm obsessed with this part of Texas. Sweetwater is about thirty minutes away and Abilene is not too much further. Depending on what month it is and the amount of rainfall, it can look drab and barren, or lush and green.

The first time I saw it, it looked like this:

Pretty different from the greener pictures above and below, huh?

Cotton farming is the thing that keeps Roby alive--or the thing that results in its decline.

The covers are almost done and I can't wait to share them with you!

(I know, I keep saying that. They really are almost done. My daughter is my cover designer and she's the one who just had a baby, so I've had to be patient and wait for her to have the time--and the energy--to finish them!)

These covers are especially amazing to me because I am featuring family members on them!!

After searching and searching through Istock and Shutterstock, I just didn't want to use images that have been repeated on several other covers. So, I decided to go the original route. I asked family members if they would be willing to make an appearance on my covers. 

They said YES!!

I'll be sharing them soon.

Enough talk. Time to get busy WRITING!

Image courtesy of [Naypong] /

Coming in 2017:

Sound of Silence Series



  1. Yea! I'm excited to have new books from you to read. I love these setting pictures. Nice to see them before I read the books so I'll be able to imagine it better. Can't wait for the covers. Glad you're enjoying writing again. You're in your element.

    1. If you are interested and have time, I would love to have you beta read again for me, Charissa. If you don't have time, I totally understand. But your input is always so helpful. Can't wait to show you the new covers! Hope you are doing well!

  2. Yay! Glad to hear you have a new series coming out. I'm excited to see your covers. If you want help sharing them, let me know--I'd be glad to post them on my blog. ;)

    1. That would be wonderful, Melanie! Thank you so much! I appreciate your support soooooo much. I've only written book one so far, and the first chapter of book two--and they both need a lot of polishing. I'm a little early to reveal covers, but I'm so excited about them, I can't wait to share them. Thanks again!
