Monday, May 22, 2017


Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the blog silence.

Image courtesy of [digitalart] /

I haven't been keeping up with blogging as much lately. Family obligations have kept me busy and I've been pouring whatever time I have left into writing my newest books.

I'm still here!! Just busy writing!

Image courtesy of [rattigon] /

This past week I had to say goodbye once again to my son as we sent him off to nursing school.

He was home for nine months as he took all the classes necessary to receive a BS in Nursing. He has a degree in Chemistry, yet he had to take two semesters of classes in order to receive a BS in Nursing. Go figure. His end goal is to be a Nurse Practitioner. I'm excited for him and his job prospects as he takes this next step in life. But it was so fun having him home again and it was hard to say goodbye.

He's so funny and he keeps me laughing. He may or may not have pushed me around on the luggage cart at our hotel.

His idea, I swear.

I'll miss him, but I have a lot of writing to do and that will keep me occupied!

So, tell me what you have been up to!

SIDENOTE: Back in January, I did a post where I talked about my novel, I'M WITH YOU. Amazon took away its five star rating, even though no new reviews had appeared. UPDATE: Still no new reviews to cause a change, but the full five stars are back!! 
I love having my full five stars back, but WHAT THE HECK?!!


  1. I get the blog silence. I've been doing much of my own silent blogging. Hee hee. Glad you're still writing. Let me know if I can help you any with beta-reading or whatever. I wish your son lots of success. That sounds like a great field. And who knows how Amazon works. If you figure it out, you can write a book about it and get super rich. I swear they do those things just to keep us guessing.

    1. I want to finish the sound of silence series, so blogging has taken second fiddle. For the past 15 months we have had family living with us AND I watch my grandson one week a month while my daughter works. However that will end in September when he starts pre-k. Suddenly I will have my nice quiet life back and have lots of time to write, but by then I want to have the series finished. Oh well, I'm just doing the best I can and the series will be finished when it's finished. I'm currently working on the third book. When I have beta readers read it, I'd like them to read all three back to back. I think I will get the best feedback that way. Don't worry, you will be the first to beta read for me!!! (I mean, if you can at the time.)
      I am excited for my son to be in the health care field. He can take care of me when I'm old!!!
      Amazon has some mysterious policies and sometimes I just don't understand them, that's for sure.
      Hope you're doing well, Charissa!

  2. I get the blog silence too! It comes in spurts sometimes. I've been so busy that I haven't even been able to do many book reviews. I'm sure you will miss your son! I miss mine and he lives at home! He's just gone so much now because of work and school. Thankfully my daughter is done for the summer. I WILL be making time when your books come out!

    1. Yes! I usually always try to get a Monday post out, but sometimes there is simply nothing to share. Between that and a current lack of time, blogging has suffered. But my new series is coming along and as I polish it more and more, I'm really falling in love with the story. And I LOVE that you will make time for my books!!! Makes me smile.
      It is so tough to say goodbye to our children. This is the fourth time my son has left the nest and it gets harder every time. I miss him a lot. He's just so fun to have home. He even had the wonderful experience of taking me to a root canal appointment and then had to get me home while sedated. What a riot, but I don't remember a thing. Perhaps thankfully!! I told him it was good preparation for being a nurse.
      Take care and enjoy having your children at home with you!!! (Even if they are busy.)
